Chapter 6

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I am walking home casually from the grill. It's cold outside and it is dark. I walk into a small alley because it's the fastest way for me to get home.

I'm speeding my steps because i hate walking alone at night and i'm scared too but I don't really have a choice because my parents can't take me home.

I'm already halfway through when suddenly someone grabs my shoulder.

I gasp when that somebody pushes me against the brick wall. I see that it is a man. He puts his palm over my mouth preventing me from screaming for help. I try to escape but he is way stronger than me.

Then he grabs my wrists and starts chanting. I see orange-ish lights were his hands touch my wrist.

I grunt in pain and try to pull my hands away but i'm in no luck. I feel sharp pain in my whole body.

After a few minutes i helplessly fall down onto the cold ground and the last thing I see is the man walking away through the other side of the alley.

"Laura... Laura..."

I feel two hands holding onto my shoulders.

I slowly open my eyes and I quickly sit up looking around.

I find myself in Stefans room in the boarding house.
It all comes flooding in.

I'm in the prison world.

I see that the hands holding onto my shoulders belong to Kai who was shaking me out of my sleep.

"What happened?" i ask.

"I don't know you tell me, you were screaming" he says and lets go of my shoulders.

"I had a nightmare." i explain to him.

"What kind of nightmare? I mean you were sounding like someone was killing you" he says with a curious look.

"Yeah basically someone was killing me... your father to be precise"

I can see Kai's eyes turning dark filled with hatred while his jaw clenches. "What did he do to you?"

"I was just re-living the night when he siphoned me..."

Kai looks at me. "But are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine it was just awful re-living the pain"

He looks at me for a few seconds with doubt then when he makes sure i'm fine he suddenly hops up from the bed.

"I'll make breakfast" he chirps.

I smile at his quick mood change"I thought i was gonna make breakfast today"

"Yeah well your nightmare changed the plan so i'll excuse this but tomorrow you will make it"he smiles

"Okay i'll be down in a bit."

He nods and walks out of the room.

I lazily stand up and head to the bathroom.

The hot shower feels really good and the water running down my body helps me erase the terrible nightmare i had. I don't know why i had it and what it means but i hope it was a one time thing.

After i finished in the shower i put on a grey sweatpant with a crop top and a black sweater.

I go downstairs. The delicious smell of pancakes flow through my nose making my stomach growl.

"Took you a while" says Kai with a grin on his face. He puts the pancakes on a plate and puts it on the table.

I pull out a chair and sit down. "I was thinking".

"About what?" Kai throws himself onto the chair opposite me and looks at me curiously.

"My dream" i reply "i think it meant something."

"What do you mean , meant something? It was just probably that you're still under the shock of the events."

"No i don't think so."i say with concern and shove a pancake in my mouth.

Kai looks at me with arched eyebrows the expression on his face says something like: "whatever"

The rest of breakfast passes mostly in quiet. When i finish i put my plate into the sinks.

"So" i say "are we gonna find our way out?"

Kai looks at me confused "you said you don't have your magic anymore"

"Yeah but even if i had magic i don't even know a spell that can get us out of here so it would be logical to start by finding one"

"Alright" he says "i have some spell books and grimoirs let's check there, see if we can find anything " He stands up and waves his hand urging me to follow him.

We walk upstairs and go to the end of the corridor. There is a door there. Kai opens the door and I step inside after him.It's a small room with a table in the middle and a huge bookshelf that almost fills up the whole room. On the table there are books shattered and papers here and there. I go to the table and see that those books are actually grimoirs . Looks like Kai has already tried to find a way of getting out.

"Here we are" Kai looks at me "you can see i've already tried finding something that is helpful but i didn't have much luck. I was hoping that you know a spell"

"Kai we've been through this already, i'm not a strong and powerful witch i don't even use my magic" i say irritatedly.

"Alright calm down i was just saying"

"Look we will find a way just maybe not right away"i assure him "we just need to keep searching and with your head and my magic we are going to get out"

He smiles at me"i like this kind of mindset"

"Come on lets search"i say and i sit down at the table. Kai does the same. We open books and start searching.

We spend the whole afternoon doing research. When i realise how long its been i notice it's become dark outside. I yawn because i'm quite exhausted.

"You should get some sleep"Kai says studying me.

"Probably but i'm not until we find the spell"

He stands up and walks over to me. He looks down and says in a commanding voice "we can search tomorrow but you need to sleep, now"

His voice is a bit deeper and it sends a small shiver down my spine. I nod and get up. He follows me to my room.

"Okay you can go now"i say because he is still standing in front of my door.

He nods and waves goodnight.

I fall asleep my mind racing and i hope my nightmare wont come again.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now