Chapter 13

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My head hurts like hell. I woke up hungover with a terrible headache and flashes of last night. I barely remember anything. I remember dancing then Kai came down and tried to bring me back to my room and then I fell into the pool.

I sit up in my bed with a groan of pain and regret. I place my forehead into my palms and try to get myself together.

After a few minutes I stand up and decide to take a shower.

The hot water feels good and it helps me reduce some stress. I feel embarrassed and stupid. I don't even know why Kai bothered helping me I know i'm a bad drunk that's why I don't usually drink at parties or drink at all.

After showering I choose to put on a plain white T-shirt with shorts. I tie my hair up in loose, lazy ponytail and I slowly open my door with nervousness.

I knock on Kai's door. A few moment later the lock rattles and Kai's face appears. His mouth forms into a small grin.

"Oh hello!" he almost shouts.

"Ouuch" i hiss due to the pain in my head. "You're too loud."

He laughs. "A bit hungover, aren't you?"

I roll my eyes. "Just a little bit."

"Yeah a little...Want to eat?" he asks. "I'm really hungry."

"Yeah let's eat something." I agree.

We go down and into the kitchen. Kai chooses to make pancakes because i'm not in the condition for cooking. I pull out a chair and sit down lazily.

Thanks to my so-called vulnerable state my mind drifts away to different places.

I still feel that strange feeling that I had yesterday but I don't know what it is. What also comes to mind is that I had a dream yesterday.Thats as far as I know. But I know that it is important. Really important.

I only shudder and come back mentally when Kai slides a plate in front of me.


"Thanks." I say and I start eating.

"What was yesterday about?" he asks while he stuffs a pancake into his mouth.

I swallow the food and answer "I don't know... I just woke up and then I had this urge to start drinking. And I'm a bad drunk."

"I noticed that." he smirks.

"What did I do?" i ask afraid of the answer.

He grins.


"Wellll.... You wanted me to drink and dance. Then-" he acts as if he was thinking. "Oh you wanted to take off my clothes and then you called me a sexy hot sociopath."

"Oh my god." My cheeks are probably extremely red from the embarrassment. "Just forget it. As I said I am a bad drunk."

"You know what they say... drunk words, sober thoughts." he winks with a devilish smirk.

"Haha very funny, certainly not true." I continue to eat while Kai laughs for a few more moments.

We finish eating and we head to the elevator. The view is the same as yesterday... almost. A big cloud is on the sky. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there yesterday.

"Kai?" i call out. "Is it me or is that cloud new?"

He looks at the sky and his eyes widen in shock. Like he just realised something. "Did you have a dream yesterday?" he asks.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now