Chapter 12

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I'm in the well known alley.

"Hey Laura I knew we would meet once again. Well, more than once. I promise we will meet again." Joshua's disgusting grin makes my stomach curl.

"Stay away from me." i warn him holding my hands out in order to protect myself.

"Don't worry it won't hurt too much, you're already used to it." he laughs.

I decide to make a move. I can control this right?

"Motus." I send him flying into the air making him crash into a brick wall. He falls on the ground with a loud thump.

With a smile of satisfaction I turn around and try walking away but I freeze. I notice 2 heretics. A girl and a boy. Oh no.

I try closing my eyes to avoid me from bringing them to the prison world but I'm in no luck.

"Oblivscere." thats all I hear and after that I see a white flash and feel like my brain just lost a lot of information. Thereafter everything goes dark.

I wake up in the middle of the night. I don't know why, all I know is that I am panicking. Like something isn't right. I feel strange but I don't know why and what that strange thing is but I don't give much credit to it because I suddenly feel that I miss my family and my friends. But this wasn't that kind of feeling that I always had because of course, I missed them all the time. It was like a sudden burst of feelings overwhelming me. I wanted to go back home and just be safe. I was afraid of the heretics, Joshua, being stuck here or dying and this thing with Kai didn't help.

I got up from my bed and went to the small kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured water in it for the purpose of staying hydrated since my mouth and throat were as dry as a desert. I drink the water but a bad idea comes to mind.

I look at the mini bar and i open it. It is full of alcohol. Great.

I'm stressed, a little mind-easing can't hurt right?

I grab a bottle of whiskey and I start drinking. The alcohol burns my throat but it feels good because it takes my mind off the emotional pain. I just drink and drink and I only realise that I am fucked when I walk into the elevator and get in. I know somewhere deep in my subconscious that I'm totally drunk but I don't care about it.


I hear music. Music?

I open my eyes and slowly sit up. I hear music quietly and I think it's coming from the beach. What the hell? It's only 2 am plus there shouldn't be anyone else here other than me and Laura...

Laura! Oh no.

I jump out of my bed and put on a T-shirt. I quickly go out of my room and go to Laura's, next door. The door is open. That's strange.

I push the door in lightly and the view leads straight to her bed. Her empty bed.

So she really is the source of the music. But what is she doing at the beach in the middle of the night?

I go inside the room and i go out on the balcony. I see Laura next to the swimming pools dancing with a bottle in her hand.

She's drunk.

I rush to the elevator and I press the 0 button. When the elevator dings meaning it has reached the ground floor I hurry to the back door.

I push the door open and as I head towards the pools , the cool air makes me shiver. I hear the music even louder now.

I walk to Laura who is dancing next to the dj stand in nothing but a t-shirt and briefs. She doesn't notice me until I touch her shoulders.

She winces from my touch and lets out a small gasp.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now