Chapter 29

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I wake up caused by my mom shaking me awake. Tears streaming down her face she silently whispered "Wake up"

I immediately sit up and look at her with concern. It's not common for me to see her crying. She's a strong woman but this time i knew something was truly wrong.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

She continues crying so i hug her and pull her into my embrace.

"Mom" I beg "you have to tell me please."

"It's- it's your father" she shakily breathes then starts crying again.

"What happened?" I ask afraid to hear her answer.

"H-he..." she sobs "i'm so sorry Laura. He had an accident."

The blood stops flowing in my veins and i feel myself become stiff. My breathing becomes uneven and tears stream down my face.

"Did he?" I cry.

My mom only nods a little bit but enough for me to understand.

"Oh my god." I burst into tears. "What happened?"

"He crashed with the car." my mom lets me know.

It seems as if the world had fallen apart. I can feel my once preciously built walls of comfort and safety fall down. It's too much to handle. He can't be gone.

I sit with my mom crying but i don't know for how long.

Time loses it's purpose. The world stops spinning. It's like i've fallen into a bottomless pit and i can't even begin to climb out. Everything in my life means nothing now.

I spend the rest of the day in my bed trying to pull myself together. But how am i supposed to do that?

8 missed calls from Kai. I see as i look at my phone.

I decide to call him back but before i could press his name I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I shout to my mom and go to open the door.

The face i find myself with is Kai's.

"Laura what happened? I've been worrying myself to death."

A tear rolls down my cheek. Kai notices and immediately hugs me.

"What's wrong?" He asks his voice laced with concern.

"My dad di- he died." I sob. Saying these words out loud hit me like a train and i totally break down in Kai's arms.

"He's dead Kai .Gone." I cry.

"What? How?" He asks shocked.

"Car crash" i say weakly still not believing it.

After my mom letting him in we sit on the couch and tell him the story the cops told her.

"They said that his breaks didn't work so he couldn't stop and he crashed into a pole."

We spend the day up in my room basically all that happens is Kai trying to cheer me up with small success.

I suddenly feel an urge to go to the bathroom so i get up and do so.

I walk in and scream as I see the mirror.

Red letters spelling: "I did it -J" i suppose the red is blood.

Kai and my mom come rushing in as soon as they hear my scream.

"Holy shit." Kai exclaims.

My mom bursts out in tears. "Who's J?"

" father." Kai growls.

A/N: hey everyone as you can obviously see i've been really inactive and it's because i've lost motivation. I'll bring this book to an end thank you for still reading this i appreciate you guys love you<3

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now