Chapter 10

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I actually thought that nothing could be worse than being trapped in this prison world. I never thought that I can be trapped somewhere inside a prison world. Especially in a small cell with a girl. A girl that gets on my nerves daily. But there's something about her. She isn't like everyone else. She doesn't look at me like i'm the most horrible person in the world. In fact she even tries to set it as if I couldn't be blamed for what I did. I never experienced being around somebody this brave and reckless. She yells at me even tho she knows that i'm a sociopath and I could just simply kill her. But I don't even want to kill her and I don't know why. If someone told me in the past that I could be locked up for a week with someone and I wouldn't kill them then i'd just laugh in their face and leave.

Right now sitting in this car with Laura by my side I actually sense peace. I'm bored so I decide to tease her a bit.

"Why did you take a bath in my room?"

She sighs and looks at me. I know she's annoyed but this is going to be funny.

"I forgot that it was your room." she answers simply.

"I'm not gonna say it wasn't a good surprise but you should of just joined me in the shower." i smirk.

She rolls her eyes and keeps looking at the road. "In your dreams."

The smirk stays on my face. I know she thinks i'm hot. Who doesn't? She'll admit it eventually.

After a while she speaks. "So what's the plan? Where are we going?" 

"Actually we could go anywhere." i say.

"Well I want to go at least 5 states further. Those bitches will notice we are gone and they will do a locator spell. Even if they find us they will need time to come for us." she notes.

"We can do a spell so their magic doesn't reach us."

"We need to find somewhere we can live until we figure out what to do and when we find the place you'll hide it with us in it." she explains.

She is so smart and desperate.

"Kai?!" she nudges my shoulder.

"Okay it could work." I say coming back from my thoughts.

"Good. Where are we going then?"

"Florida." I say.

"Florida?" she asks.

"Yeah of course. Did you think I would miss out a swim at Miami Beach?" i say grinning widely.

She shakes her head playfully. "Florida it is." and a smile shows on her face.


We've been driving for 2 hours and I know we are still far.

"We still have ten hours ahead of us so I think we should stop somewhere." i suggest.

"Not yet we need to get at least halfway." Kai says.

"You'll be tired."

"Then you'll drive." he declares.

I sigh. "I can't drive too well."

"Don't worry nobody is on the roads or even in this world only those two heretics... but it doesn't matter if you run them over so you don't have to worry." he says with a grin.

I laugh. "I guess you're right."

"So we will stop somewhere in Georgia." he says keeping his eyes on the road.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now