Chapter 26

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The morning came faster than I wanted it to.

The bright rays of sunshine shining through the curtains let me know that i can't stay here forever with Kai and that i had to face the issues of the day.

The issues mentioned? My whole friend group.

My friend group with bitchy witches a ripper and a few vampires with anger issues. Not to mention they all hate me for choosing Kai's side.

At least now they can't kill Kai because that would result in killing his whole coven.

Soon I hear the bed creek a little so i turn around to face Kai who is now propped up on his elbow looking at me with an adorable smile.

"Good morning baby" he greets me.

My heart instantly flutters at his words. Did he just call me baby?

"Good morning." I grin and lean in for a kiss.

"How are you feeling? You know, after the merge?" i ask.

"I feel...powerful. And lucky." he says. "Lucky because i won and lucky because you're mine."

I smile and caress his hair "i'm proud of you and i would love to stay but I need to get going. I need to figure out how to deal with my raging group of vampires." i sigh.

"Noo" he groans "don't go, stay can go tomorrow."

"I can't and you know it."

"Bullshit" he tries pulling me into his chest but i prevent him by quickly hopping of the bed.

A second later i feel Kai's strong arm grabbing my wrist and pulling me back onto the bed.

I let out a small scream as i stumble onto him.

"You're staying" he laughs.

"No i'm not, let me go." i giggle but his grip tightens.

"I'm a vampire you know" I state.

"Oh what are you gonna do, bite me?" he let's out a fake gasp.

"Maybe, or drain you from your blood." i joke.

"Mom pick me up, i'm scared... oh wait you're dead nevermind."

I frown and hit his arm "You're such an asshole Kai."

"I love you too." he teases.

A/N: Okkkkay i have no excuse for not updating and all i can say is i'm sorry.

Finally I finished this and i'll also update tomorrow.

Hope you are well, stay safe loves<3

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now