Chapter 23

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I planned everything.

For the last week I didn't hear anything from Laura. No one called or told me anything so I had to do something i couldn't just sit by and wait for people.

The merge. Jo agreed that we can merge in secret because she prepared and she's ready. Olivia alerted Lucas but there's nothing they can do about it.

Jo wanted this for them. So that they don't have to merge.

Deep down everybody knows who will wake up after the merge. Of course it will be me.

I'm megapowerful.

It's a shame for Jo though I have to admit but I don't really care. All that matters is that tonight i'm finally becoming the coven leader.

After the merge I will leave town and move away. I don't know where but really far away.

Of course before I do that I'm going to give my father an excruciating death. I'm gonna make sure that he suffers before he gets the peace of death. Only for a moment tho because he will rot in hell, like he deserves.

A part of me tells me that 'everything will wait go to Laura'

And honestly i want to. But i let go of that thought and get back to my job.

It's nearly midnight so I leave my house and drive to the spot where we decided to meet with Jo.

On the way there my mind is everywhere except the merge.

Laura. Why can't it be easy? Why do I have to let go of her? Most importantly why can't i let go of her?

Ever since our escape from the prison world I've been continuously pulled back, drawn back to her. She's everywhere. In my dreams, In my vision wherever I go. She follows me everywhere and I can't get rid of her.

She doesn't want this merge and honestly I've thought about letting this whole thing go. But i'm too selfish for that. And not just because of my stubbornness, but because of her, I need to do this.

If I can't kill my dad then he will kill Laura.

And I would never give him such satisfaction. I would never let him win. I would never let him kill her.

I have to win tonight.

Soon I arrive at the spot. I notice Jo standing in the middle of the square.

She has her typical concerned expression written on her face. Ughh so dramatic.

She notices me and starts walking towards me while I park my car and get out.

I slam the door of my car and walk towards her.

"Heyy sissy! Ready to die?"

"I've practiced a lot Kai, I wouldn't be so sure that you're going to win." She crosses her arms in front of her torso and looks at me with a smug expression.

"Yeah whatever. Good luck Josette I've been waiting for this for the past 18 years. You better not have planned something stupid again or next time I wont cut out your spleen, but maybe your throat or heart. Got it?" I speak with a warning tone.

She gulps and nods.

"Goody." I smile sweetly " So, when is the full moon?"

"In 10 minutes." She looks at her watch.

In order to merge a celestial event must happen. A full moon is perfect for that. And there's a full moon tonight.

The full moon is in 10 minutes so basically in 15 minutes I'll be coven leader.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now