Chapter 16

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{Before you go- Lewis Capaldi}

-So, before you go was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?-

-So, before you go was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?-

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"We're home." Kai pokes me.

I open my eyes and see that we are at the airport that we departed from originally.

I climb out of the plane and I let the cool, fresh, midnight air fill my nostrils.

Soon Kai is next to me and we head back to the Salvatore boarding house. On our way I go into a shop and take the post-event pill.

As soon as we enter the house I rush to my room and lay on my bed. I let the events of the last 24 hours flood my mind. I still can't believe it.

I.Had.Sex.With.Kai.Parker. And it was amazing.

I let a small smile form on my lips from the thought.

I decide to get into my pj's to sleep. I stand up and go to my closet that I made mine by packing it with the stuff I bought, more like stole for myself during the time I was here. Speaking about being here, tomorrow hopefully we'll get out.

I've been waiting for that day since I got the taste of this place.

I don't know what will happen when we get out. What will happen with me and Kai. Maybe he'll stab me as soon as we arrive. Maybe we'll stay friends. Maybe he'll say goodbye and I'll never see him again.

To be honest, I didn't want that to happen. As much as I would like to deny it, I enjoyed his company. I enjoyed his company despite him being the dick he is. He made me laugh and helped me through the rough days. He saved me from dying several times and healed me when i was injured. He didn't let me down when I lost hope and like that, we both survived. The last step was to get out of here. And maybe that meant that all of this will be nothing by tomorrow evening.

My head was flooded with thoughts such as these as I got ready for bed.

Soon I heard a knock on my door. Seconds after, Kai came in.

I tilted my head waiting for him to say something.

"So uh" he chuckles a bit. "I was just curious if you'd like to sleep with me. Last night in hell, might as well enjoy it, right?"

I suppress a smirk and smile at him. "Yeah why not?"

"Right. I'll wait for you there." he nods and walks out of my room, disappearing in the hallway.

I brush my teeth and go into his room.

He is laying on the bed, on his back. I close the door and climb into his bed beside him. I turn to face him urging him to do the same. Once he does I speak.

"So tomorrow, we'll get out."

"Yeah finally" he sighs "After 18 years, I can't believe this is happening."

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now