Chapter 2

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-Dont worry i wont hurt you now. I just want to talk.-he whispers in my ear.

I have to admit he is really hot, he has brown hair, blue eyes, a mischievous smile and he is really tall and handsome.

-And who are you?-i say-oh yeah, the guy that tried to kill me. Hi im Laura.
He smirks-I'm Kai.

-So what do you want Kai.-i try to get out of his hands but he keeps holding my neck strangling me a bit.
-I-he sighs into my ears-want you to get me out of here.

I laugh.-And how do you want that to happen?
-Well you're a Bennett witch so you have the ability for that.

-Okay you are living in a big lie. I literally can't do magic the only thing i know is "motus"-and then i make him fly out of the car.

He grunts and then laughs.
-Naughty girl-he says and starts coming towards me.

I jump out of the car and start running. I know a place that i can go.

The Salvatore house. I quickly run there and lock myself in a room.

I can hear Kai downstairs and coming up the stairs.
-Stop this bullshit-he groans-you cant hiiide.

He's right. I cant run. I am trapped with him here so i don't have a choice. I come out of the room.

Kai smirks-Dont do that again.
-I wont.

-But i'm really confused. You need to tell me everything about this place and yourself.

-Fine.-he sighs-but sit down, it's a long story.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now