Chapter 21

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It's like time stopped as i take Laura back to my house.

I just stare at her body and subconsciously wait for a breath or a heartbeat.

I carry her into the house and place her on the couch. Maybe it's crazy but i sit down on the couch staring at her while I just try to process everything.

What am I gonna do with her body?
What do I tell her parents?
What do I tell her friends?

I decide to take her phone in my hand.

5 missed call from 'Mom'

2 texts from 'Kath'

10 missed calls from 'Care'... God this one either misses her or either she's the one that never shuts up.

Probably the last option.

I decide to call 'Kath' because she seems the most decent and bearable.

After a few rings she finally picks up.

"Laura what the hell?" she almost yells.

"Woah chill..." i say

"Who the fuck are you and where is Laura?"

"I'm Kai."

"Oh the hot sociopath" she understands.

"I mean yeah" i reply.

"Why isn't Laura picking up?"

I gulp and blink rapidly to prevent my stupid tears.

"She-She's... dead." i say in a low tone almost whispering.

I can hear Katherine gasp at the other end of the line "What do you mean she's dead?" she asks confused but also still aware that i'm being serious and this is not a joke.

"Can you come here?" I ask because I really need someone to fix this. "But don't tell anyone, they would rip me apart."

"Send me the address." She hangs up.

I do as she says and send her a text about the location of my house.

A few minutes later I hear the doorbell ring. That was quick.

I open the door and face Katherine.

"Hello Kai

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"Hello Kai." She greets me.

"Hi, let's go" I gesture towards the house.

She clears her throat so i turn around.


"I'm a vampire, I can't come in without you inviting me in dumbass."

I roll my eyes "Right, come in."

She steps inside and we rush to my living room.

She stops and looks down at Laura.

"How did this happen?" she asks with tears.

"My father..." I sigh "He killed her for revenge. She helped me escape the prison world and my father is a fucking bastard who wants to make my life miserable." I explain.

"Tell me everything from the start, from the moment Laura got into the prison world." Katherine asks, more like tells me to.

"Sit down, it's a long story." and I start from the beginning. I tell her everything, she seems understanding and she won't judge Laura, she respects her choices not like her other friends.

A/N: Short chapter just to keep you guys interested.

Next chapter soon.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now