Chapter 4

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I slowly open my eyes.

I look around and i see that i'm not in my bedroom. Then it pops in. I'm in the prison world. I sigh and sit up. I realise that i dont have clothes with me because i didn't pack for a trip to a 1994 (since i saw a newspaper that had this date) prison world i was just literally going home.

I am in Stefan's bedroom. I go to his closet and get out a plain grey t-shirt and keep my shorts on thinking "it will do for this day." I go to the bathroom and wash my face and teeth. I go downstairs.

Unfortunately Kai is already awake. He is in the kitchen doing something. I go closer to see what he is doing.

He suddenly spins around scaring me a little so i can't help it but i gasp.

-Sorry, I didn't want to scare you- he apologises - I made pancakes.
-What makes you think i'll eat it?-i question him-what if you want to poison me?
-I don't care actually i will eat so if you don't want to then that's your problem.

I scoff and take a pancake. I can hear kai smirking behind me and he's probably smiling with that triumphant smile. I sit down at the table and start eating.

After a few seconds Kai pulls out the chair opposite me and sits down with his plate with a stack of pancakes on it. I dont want him to see me smile so i just quickly start eating. I know Kai saw it but he pretends he didn't.

The breakfast for the most part, is quiet.

Kai stands up and takes my plate.

-Thank you
-Your welcome. Tomorrow you're making breakfast.-he says
-And what if i choose not to i mean i could starve you.- i say pretending i'm thinking out loud.
-Well see that would be hard because i have a whole cupboard full of pork rinds.-he says with a mischievous smile.

I roll my eyes and stand up.

I go towards the door.
-Where are you going-Kai asks from the kitchen.
-I'm buying clothes because i haven't got any.
-Oh okay should i go with you?
-No thanks i'm fine alone.
-Ok-he lets it go.

I step out in the fresh air.
My mind is racing. I get a bit dizzy from all of the things that are inside me. I feel like i'm gonna explode. I slowly start walking to the shops.

My thoughts are about Kai, this prison world, my family, how i could get out, what if i'm stuck here.

Kai said that i can get him/us out because i'm a bennett witch. The thing is, i cant do magic for a few months. Kai doesn't even know that. He will probably go insane. I can't do magic because i had an accident. A siphoner siphoned it out of me but i didn't gain back my magic. Me and my friends tried to figure it out but they couldn't help me. We counted that it will take about 1 or 2 months for me to gain my powers back. Untill then i am useless.

I think Kai isn't a bad person naturally but he turned into a bad person because of the way he was treated. But this still doesn't change the fact that he murdered his family in cold blood. I don't know what to think.

After these thoughts my head is a bit more cleared than it was.

I get to the main street. I go in a clothing shop. I grab a few tank tops, t-shirts, jeans, shorts and underwear, everything i need. After that i go to a food shop. I buy eggs and bacon, ham and such things as these. I also buy cupcakes because i could use a dessert.

I get home... Well the Salvatore house.

I see Kai sleeping on the couch. He is laying on his side ,his arms pulled up under his head. He is actually really cute and his face is so peaceful , i couldn't imagine him killing his family.

I go along to the kitchen. I don't want him to wake up and think that i'm stalking him. Which i actually am but he doesn't have to know it.

I put the stuff in the fridge and packed out the shopping bag. It was about 13:00 i wasn't hungry so i just took the cupcakes and started eating them.

After a few minutes i saw Kai sitting up on the couch. He walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. Looked like he just woke up.He saw the cupcakes.

-Ohhh yum, cupcakes- he says with a smile on his face.
-Want some?-I ask holding the muffin box towards him
-Are you serious?!-he gasps-i lovvve cupcakes.

Kai grabs a cupcake and eats it within record speed.

-Wow you really like cupcakes.-i smirk.
-Told ya-he winks.
My stomach does a flip. No no i cant feel this he is a murderer, i remind myself .

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now