Chapter 20

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I open my eyes and sit up in the bed. I expect Kai's arms to pull me back but it doesn't happen. It's strange so I turn around and see that Kai isn't in the bed.

I pull my eyebrows together in confusion.

I climb off the bed and walk downstairs. I head to the kitchen because Kai should be there if he's making breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen but I find nobody there. I walk into the living room but I still can't find him.

"Kai?" I call out. "Kai where are you?" i yell.

No answer.

I start panicking. Where could he be?

I walk over to the dining room and hear a small rustle. I turn around and expect Kai's blue eyes to meet mine but instead I find myself facing a man who is oddly familiar.

One of the heretics. Oh my god.

Before I have time to even consider doing something he grabs my head and bashes it into the table.

Not again.

I feel the hard wood of the table hitting my head and soon after, I fall onto the floor.

I see red liquid flowing on the floor. I soon figure it's my blood that's pouring from my head. White dots start to take over my vision due to the lack of blood.

I faintly see the man tower over me and I feel him pick me up lightly. I don't feel my weight. My head hurts and i feel dizzy.

"Kai help me" I call out but it only comes out as a heavy breath.



I went out to find out who it was that tried to kidnap Laura. It was one of my father's little soldiers. I bet that bastard wanted revenge for me getting out.

I'll deal with him later but now I need to get back.

I open the door to my house. I bet Laura is still sleeping. I'll make her breakfast.

I walk into the house but freeze as I see blood all over the floor in a path leading to the dining room.

I follow the trail and notice the blood starting form the table.

No no no!

"Laura?" I yell. "Laura are you here?"

No answer. Fuck.

One of my father's men must have took her.

I run around the house praying to find Laura somewhere but obviously i'm in no luck.

I have to find her. But since when do I care about what happens to her? I mean we got out of the prison world almost 2 weeks ago and still she's in my life. She's making it hard for me and I constantly get her into trouble. She's always in a mess.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now