Chapter 17

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I've spent most of the week trying to catch up with school work because i've missed a lot. I didn't go back to school yet. I need some more time to at least try and catch up. I honestly don't have a clue what is going on so I will stay home for another week.

Me and my family had to come up with a cover story for my disappearance. We said and arranged that I was in hospital in coma after the accident. I had that arranged with the help of compulsion. Thanks to Katherine Pierce I was now free from all the 'omg where were you, you died, how are you alive?' and these kind of comments.

I am going to meet up with my other friends tonight at the Salvatore House, our all-time gang place.

Until then I started my school work and as the night approached I started to get ready.


One week.

One week was enough for me to get a house, a big one actually. No, I don't have a job, I may have threatened the real estate to give me the house for free or I'll kill him, then I erased his mind so that's settled.

I stole a car and robbed a bank... just kidding, I robbed some college kid.

I went to get some modern-day fashioned clothes. Today's fashion is horrible. These jeans are so skinny I literally can't put anything in my pocket.

I bought some more rings, shoes and a phone. An iPhone. It's confusing as fuck. But I managed to download apps. Twitter is my favourite. I downloaded Tinder cos Laura said something about that.


I thought that after a week I would have forgotten about her but for some odd reason she was constantly in my head. I saw her face when I closed my eyes and when I slept. I need to erase her from my mind because even in my head she's so annoying with all her 'let's meet, let's be friends' bullshit that was starting to make me consider finding her.

But no. She has a life, I have lives to ruin. It's simple as that.

I decided to go and find my long lost twin sister or one of my other annoying siblings. I already did a locator spell on Olivia. She was at a bar at Whitmore. Lucky for me, I lived near Whitmore.

I pulled up at the bar with my brand-new car. The car was precious and beautiful as hell. It was a model from 1994. Got to keep up the memory right?

I walk inside the bar and sit down on a chair close to the bar counter

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I walk inside the bar and sit down on a chair close to the bar counter.

A blonde curly haired girl comes to serve me.

"You on Twitter?" I ask her "I just signed up, you should follow me, Cobrakai1972"

I earn an annoyed look.

"Come on, Karate kid?" she still stares at me unbothered. "Did you know you can follow celebrities? It's hilarious actually, they all twitter the stupidest stuff."

"Okay what do you want?" she asks rolling her eyes.

"Well not bourbon, vodkas boring, rums too tropical, ooo tequila you do not wanna see me on tequila." i list. "What about gin?"

"I'm gonna need an ID" she says.

"Oh yeah sure." I pull my ID out of those stupid, tight jeans.

"1972... hah nice try." she hands me back the ID.

"Hmm look again, name, address" I grin already knowing what will happen.

She reads my name. "Malachai Parker..." she gasps and tries to escape "Oh my god."

I grab her arm and siphon her sighing as the magic fills me. I lock the doors.

"Last time I saw you, i was trying to kill you... Why don't we pick up where we left off?" i smile sweetly. She runs upstairs trying to escape.

I follow her upstairs.

"Stay away from me!" she warns. "What do you want?"

I laugh "What I wanted 18 years ago. To merge duh."

"But see that didn't work out because Josette betrayed me." i sighed acting hurt.

"Yeah that was after you murderded our whole family." she mutters.

"Ahw Livvy Poo that's not true, see you and Luke are still alive. And i'm about to change that." I hold my hand out. "Motus" I send her flying into the wall and laugh as her body crashes onto the floor with a loud thump.

"Unless you help me, these will be your last moments."

"What do you want?" she asks defeated.

"To find Josette." I reply.

"I'll help you." she grunts. "Just let me go."

"Oh perfect, thanks sissy." I pat her on the head.


"Laura!" Caroline screams as I step into the house.

"Hey girl." I hug her as she giggles in my ear. "I've missed you." I smile at her.

I see the others gathering in front of me ready to hug me and greet me.

I hug and greet Stefan, Enzo, Bonnie, Katherine.

I wave at Damon and Elena, they obviously stand there in each other's arms. Oh who would of thought?

"I've missed you guys." I say smiling, happy to see them.

All of us sit on the couch ready for story time.

"Soo we heard you were in the prison world. With Kai." Bonnie says.

"Yeah actually I was."

"How did you survive that?" Damon asks. "I mean no offence but you don't have your magic, how did you protect yourself?"

"I gained my magic back. And he didn't hurt me. Just in the beginning." I say.

"I'm going to kill him." Enzo growls.

"Don't worry he won't be any harm anymore." I assure him and I hope that's true. I don't want Kai dead as long as he leaves us alone. Not me tho, I want him to bother me. I want to see him already and it's only been a week.

"Was he hot?" Katherine asks. I look at her with a flirty smile. Katherine has been my best friend even tho the others don't like her that much. She understands every move I make.

"I mean... yeah." I admit instantly feeling the heat coming to my cheeks.

Damon and Bonnie scoff. "Oh don't tell me you find that sociopath hot." Bonnie gags.

Katherine defends me "What's your problem little witch? It's always the villains."

I nod in agreement.

Katherine and Caroline look at me with curiosity and I send them a look of consent saying 'I'll tell you more later'. They both grin excitedly.

"So how did you get out?" Stefan asks.

"It's a long story."

"We have time. Tell us everything from the moment you arrived." Elena says.

I nod and so I do. I start telling them the whole story.

A/n: Kind of boring, kind of filler chapter, don't worry I'll post soon and it's about to get exciting <3

Love y'all, Cher

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now