Chapter 24

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{Sweater Weather-The Neighbourhood}

"Cos it's too cold for you here, and now, so let me hold both your hands in the hole of my sweater"

"Cos it's too cold for you here, and now, so let me hold both your hands in the hole of my sweater"

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"You're here." Kai smiles.

"I am." I reply "I'm so happy you won." i admit.

"Of course I won." he smirks. God he's so proud of himself.

"I missed you to be honest" i say.

"Ahw look at that, Laura Bennett missed me." he grins cheekily.

"Come here." He holds out his arms to his sides allowing me to hug him. I step closer and embrace myself in his warm and tight hug.

I inhale his cologne and get totally lost in the feeling. For a while we are there, like that, while the rain is pouring and it's as if time had stopped.

I don't want to let him go.

He slowly lets go of me and places his thumb on my chin to make me look at him, deep in the eyes. The cold rain hits my face but the feeling gets overwhelmed by Kai's warm touch.

I get lost again, but now in his blue orbs that are filled with his usual cheekiness, mischievous glance, and even a bit of concern.

"I thought I lost you." I say quietly.

He slightly shakes his head "I thought I lost you." he sighs. "When you died, i actually...felt."

I widen my eyes in shock and surprise "What did you feel?" i question him.

"I felt horrible pain and fear." he slowly caresses my cheek "I was afraid that I lost you."

I feel my heart beating fast, faster than ever. I'm pretty sure it's going to jump out of my chest. I feel the butterflies awakening in my stomach.

"You were afraid to lose me?" I ask back knowing damn well how hard this must be for him. But I need to hear it.

Maybe there's a chance that he feels the same way I do about him.

"Yes Laura I don't want to lose you." He says frustratedly and he slides his hands into his hair in nervousness.

"It's okay." I assure him.

He turns around and starts walking in small circles.

He returns back to me. Our height difference makes it easy for him to tower over me. "No it's not okay... This is not okay."

"Don't say that please. It's not a weakness to feel." I tell him.

He looks like he is considering whether he should say something that is on his mind.

He takes a deep breath "But it's you... you are my weakness."

My breath hitches and I try to process the things he said in the past moment.

You are my weakness.

His words echo in my head and I feel my heart become dangerously close to stopping.

I'm his weakness. He is mine too. I have to tell him. I have to tell him that I'm so in love with him that I would do anything for him.

"I love you." I say loudly.

He freezes as my words enter his mind.

"I love you Kai." i say it again to make it sure that he heard it right.

"You... You love me?" he asks, looking at me with lack of belief and a questioning stare that is used to hearing lies.

"Yes I do." I stare at him deep in my eyes and I snake my hand around his neck. "I love you and I'd do anything to make you happy."

"I- I've never had anyone that loved me." he stutters which I can totally understand.

"But I've never felt like this towards anyone." he says after a pause. "I've never felt anything like I feel about you. I don't know love. But I know that what we have is more than friendship."

I nod in understanding. "I know Kai and I don't expect you to say it back. I just needed you to know. You needed to know that someone cares for you. Me. I care for you and I'll be here to be a constant, maybe even annoying reminder that you are loved." I look up at him with a shy smile.

He doesn't say anything. He studies my face and I start to feel concerned for a moment.

Then he grabs me and pulls me to him by my hips smashing his lips on mine.

The euphoria overwhelms me as the cold rain and Kai's hot lips give me an unexplainable feeling of pleasure.

I've been longing for this.

This wasn't like our usual kisses.

It was much more. We kissed each other with...loving and caring for each other. It was what I've wanted to do since I realised I love him.

The kiss of my love for him.

I know deep down he feels the same. He can't process it yet but I'll be there for him and wait for him.

We kiss passionately in the cold rain in the middle of the square in the middle of the night.

I feel as if we are the only people alive.

Just me and him.

We stop kissing after a period of time that felt like forever, both breathing heavily from the feelings.

"It's cold, take my sweater." He says pointing at my rain-drenched top.

Before I can react he takes it off and helps me put it on.

"Let's go to my place?" Kai suggests.

I nod and take his hand as we walk to his car.

A/N: Eeeek...

I've waited for this to happen since the start. Of course the OG Delena rain kiss stays OG. I just thought this was cute and it fitted their relationship.

Love you all❤️

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now