Chapter 8

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My eyes start opening. I can see through a blurry vision and it takes minutes until i can see clear. I see that i'm in a cellar. I look to my left and I see Kai next to me laying unconscious.

I gather my strength and climb over to him.

"Kai" i whisper.
He doesn't answer.

I grab his shoulders and start shaking him.

"Kai wake up" i say a bit louder.

Kai's eyes move a bit and then they open. He groans and tries to jump up but i push him down.

"Hey, don't. You're weak."

He looks at me "I'm not weak".

"You are right now, i guess they put something strong in that needle" i say rubbing my neck ."It really hurts."

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"I'll survive." i say. "I thought we were the only ones in this prison world."

"Guess what, I did too. I have no idea what's going on right now"

I slowly stand up and walk to the door I turn around because he starts talking.

"Look... i'm sorry about earlier i just got really angry and I didn't mean to hurt you." Kai says avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay, just get us out of here." i sigh and start examining the door.It is a heavy wooden door with some metal bars in eye height. I try opening the door but it doesn't move.

"Don't." Kai says. "It's locked."

"I can see that." i reply. "Where are we?"

"I think in the Salvatore basement." He stands up and starts coming towards the door. I move out of his way as he starts banging on the door.

"We're awakeee." he yells out. "Show your face you bitch!"

I wait curiously. I hope it's not some serial killer. Well to be honest i'm trapped with one.

I hear footsteps approaching. They get louder and louder. I hold my breath. Kai steps back from the door.

A few moments later a brown headed woman shows up in front of the door.

I gasp in surprise. She was the woman from my dream.

"Now who the fuck are you?" Kai hisses.

"Nora" she answers peacefully. "Is everything alright?"

"Is everything alright?!" i snap. "You locked us in this cellar and you have the nerve to ask that?" I can hear Kai's quiet chuckles from behind.

She laughs and turns around. "Enjoy your stay" with that she walks away.

My anger level is in the sky and I could literally kill that bitch. I start kicking the door.

I can feel Kai's muscular arms from behind, under my armpits and in the next second he pulls me away from the door.

"Calm down" he says still holding on to me. "This is not going to get us anywhere."

I breath out and try to soothe my nerves.

"Okay i'm fine" i say moving out of his hold. I slide down onto the floor with my back against the wall.

Kai sits down next to me.

"She's the woman from my dream." i whisper.

Kai looks at me with curiosity in his eyes. "What?"

"Yeah I know, I told you it meant something. I just don't know what, and why would she kidnap us?"

"I don't know but if she's working with my father then we have to get out as soon as possible." Kai says.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now