Chapter 3

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-Fine.-he sighs-but sit down, it's a long story.

We go downstairs and i sit on the couch. he sits in an armchair.

-Soo what do you want to know?-he asks.
-Everything let's start with what is this place?
-This is a prison world. Basically a world that is just like the other but you're alone and one day is repeating over and over again. It's like hell actually.-he answers.
-You can't get out.

I'm officially Stuck with a Sociopath.

-So that's why there isn't anyone here.-i understand-but how did i get here?

-I have no idea. I guess you died.
-But how did you get here?
-Oh-he laughs a little-that's a good one.
I look at his face but i can't tell what his face expresses.

-So, you gonna tell me or what?- i ask inpatiently.

-Well i was sent here. This is like my hell. This same day repeats because i killed my siblings on this day.
My blood freezes.

Did i hear it right? what?-i ask not wanting to hear the answer

-i killed my siblings.

I want to run but i know i can't. There's no point in that.

-How? Or why? Or how could you even do such thing?

-Clearly you know now that i'm a siphoner. I only get power if i siphon it out of someone or something. Now my family is in a coven. The gemini coven. The thing is the coven has new leaders. Twins are born and when they are 22 years old they merge. The stronger one wins and the weaker dies. Obviously the stronger one is then the leader of the coven. My twin never wanted to merge with me and my family knew that i would win and they didn't want me to lead the coven because i'm a siphoner. So they kept having twins until a new set of twins were born. I got really mad at them so for revenge i killed them only leaving my twin, Jo alive. At least that was my intention but she managed to hide the other pair of twins so now they are out in the world having fun while i'm stuck here with nothing. Jo then finally agreed to merge with me. But of course it was a trap. They sent me here.

I am actually shocked. This was a lot to take in. I can't understand how he could do such thing like that. But deep down i feel sorry for him too. I mean his family literally considered him useless before he could prove anything.

-How long have you been here?-i ask.
-18 years-he looks down.
-18 years?!-i am speechless.-You've been here for 18 years all alone?

-You guessed it-he smirks.-so yeah judge me but i really want to get out.
-You're a sociopath.
-Woww i am?-he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes. I stand up and start going upstairs.
-Where are you going?-he yells after me.

-Far from you i need to process this whole thing.-i yell back. I go into a room and lock the door after myself. I throw myself on the bed.

Before i realise how tired i am, i fall asleep.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now