Chaper 9

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The same dream... again. But another detail. Another woman. With blonde hair standing next to Nora. She is chanting too but this time my head starts hurting. It's like it's going to explode.

I sit up squeezing my head and crying out in pain. Tears stream down my face and the pain doesn't stop even tho the dream is over.

Kai wakes up due to my crying and looks at me worriedly. "What happened?"

"My head won't stop hurting."

"You've had the dream again?" he asks.

"Yes and i saw another woman." i say nearly whispering.

Suddenly the pain stops. Nora peeks through the bars of the door. She is smiling.

Kai stands up and walks to her. "What did you do?" he questions her with a deep and warning voice.

"I just made her head hurt, i see that you are a crybaby." she smiles while I look at her with hatred "Oh and thank you for bringing Mary Louise here, i've missed her." she walks away leaving us clueless and as always we have no idea what she is talking about.

"Mary Louise?" i frown. "Wait..."

"She's the woman from your dream" Kai completes my sentence.

"Nora said I brought her here?! How?"

Kai just stays silent. After half a minute he almost shouts.

"I know how. Somehow they linked your mind to them so if you see them in your dream you "unlock" them and they get here."

"But why would they want to come to a prison world?" I ask.

"Trust me Joshua has ways."

"Joshua?" i look at him confused.

"My so called father... I didn't tell you his name?" Kai looks at me.

"Yeah no you had an rage outburst." i add slightly smiling.

Kai smirks "Yeah sorry about that... So I'm gonna call him Joshua because he's not a father to me anymore."

I nod and deep down i feel so sorry for him. I know I was hard on him yesterday but he can't just go around declaring that he killed his family. But also I just can't seem to stay mad at him. I look at him and I don't see a sociopath, I see a poor boy who was abandoned by his family and spent mostly all of his life locked away instead of living the life he was meant to live.

Kai's voice breaks my thoughts "What?" he smiles.

"What what?" i look at him. My expression is more serious than his and he notices this. His smile fades and he looks me in my eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Nothing..." i reply. He nods his head to the sides and I see that he won't take that as an answer.

I sigh. "Fine. I was just thinking how bad it must have been for you."

"I'm over it." he looks down onto the floor.

"It's okay if you're not." i try making eye contact with him. He turns around and he is really tense.

"I said it's okay. I don't need your pity." He walks to the other side of the room in frustration.

"Fine." I say in an angry tone. "I was just showing you empathy and you push me away."

"It's because I don't have empathy! I don't have feelings! I don't need pity because i've managed on my own up until now! Don't try to act like you will make me feel anything. Nobody managed that. Not even my dad who abused me and tried to change m-... Never mind. Just don't talk about things like this."

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now