Chapter 7

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Author's note: Hey everyone , thank you for reading this this far i hope you like it I try improving my writing everyday and I write the chapters as soon as i have time to. I just wanted to add Laura's look

Laura Bennett:

Have fun reading, comments are appreciated and votes mean a lot to me, love  ya💗

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Have fun reading, comments are appreciated and votes mean a lot to me, love  ya💗

Chapter 7

He grabs my wrists and starts chanting. I see orange-ish lights where his hands touch my wrists.

I grunt in pain and try to pull my hands away but i'm in no luck. I feel sharp pain in my whole body.

After a few minutes i helplessly fall down onto the cold ground and I see the man walking away through the other side of the alley.

My vision is almost completely gone but i catch one more thing...

A girl... She is standing at the other end of the alley. She has brown hair. I see her lips moving. Then everything goes dark...

I sit up in my bed breathing heavily and quick gasps leave my lips. I bury my forehead into my palms and I groan in frustration.

Kai swings the door open and hurries to my bed.

"Not again" he groans scanning my face.

I sigh.

"Was it the same dream"he asks.

"Yes... no" i answer "this time i saw more. I saw a girl too"

"A girl?" Kai raises his eyebrows confusion on his face. "Did you recognise her?"

"No but she looked like she was chanting something"i bite my lip nervously "Do you know who that could be?"

"No i have no idea" he looks at me. "I mean I don't really know people other than my family but since i killed my fam-" he quickly shuts up and looks away.

"Right, killed your family i get it... So you don't know" i mumble. It's not like i didn't know it but I don't want him talking about it and it certainly isn't a good conversation topic. "I'll go make breakfast" i say and get up. I walk out of the room and i head towards the kitchen.

I choose to make ham&eggs since i've been shopping so I don't want it to go in waste. After about 15 minutes Kai comes down. His slightly wet hair reveals that he's been showering. I put a plate in front of him and I head towards the stairs not giving him much attention.

As i pass by Kai he quickly grabs my wrist. "Where are you going?" he asks, his husky morning voice and his hands grabbing my wrists makes a shiver go through me.

"U-upstairs" I reply in a higher voice than usual.

"Why?" he asks still holding my wrist.

"Because i'm not hungry and my appetite has gone" i answer with a phlegm voice.

He stands up and pulls me closer. "Look i didn't do that on purpose I just speak about it normally it's not that big deal."

"It is a big deal Kai! You killed innocent people" i say in a louder voice.

Anger flashes in his eyes "I thought we were through this?!"

"It's not a thing you can get through"i snap.

"What makes you think they were innocent, huh? Not all victims are innocent you know. My family shut me out of their life and took me as a joke, you know I was defective twin." His jaw clenches and his grip tightens on my wrist. "But still, the one I want to kill can't be killed because then I die too. And this one i my fucking father who by the way is haunting you in your sleep!" He is now squeezing my wrist so hard that it hurts.

"Kai you're hurting me" i cry out.

He doesn't seem to bother.

"Kai stop it!" i yell.

He suddenly let's go and looks at me with pity in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Laura... I didn't know it hurt you"

"You see that's the problem... you don't seem to care about anyone but yourself." i hiss.

He lets out a sneaking smirk. "You are just like your cousin, Bonnie... The one who always helps others and sees the good in people but actually that's not true, you judge others when no one else is watching"

"How do you even know Bonnie?" i frown.

"Oh you don't know..." he laughs. "A few months ago Bonnie was trapped here with Damon Salvatore. They betrayed me and left me here"

"I didn't know that, she never told me" i say confused. Me and Bonnie don't usually meet so it wasn't a big deal that i didn't see her around and I know Damon was gone for a few months but I wasn't in town and I didn't think it was serious. Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

"Well at first I was like, Laura Bennett? and then i realised: ohh you are that Bonnie bitch's cousin." Kai adds making him to get on my nerves

"Well looks like she saw you the same way i do... a crazy sociopath." I turn around and before he could say anything i run upstairs and lock my door.

I lay down on the bed. I'm still in my pj's but i don't plan on changing. All i want to do is lay like this all day and just forget this whole mess that i'm in. I know my family thinks i'm dead which gives me a kind of relief that they don't worry about finding me but still i can't imagine the pain they are going through. I really miss them and I hope they are okay.  I would love to let them know that i'm alright and they don't have to worry but I know it's not possible. Also the truth is that i'm not alright but as long as Kai doesn't kill me i can live with that. I just miss my life. Although i'm friends with vampires and doppelgängers and werewolves and i'm a witch, I used to have a normal life. I went to college i had good grades I had a great family I was happy despite some horrible things that happened but i guess thats a thing about being supernatural, it just comes with it.

I don't know how much i've been laying there but i'm sure it's been hours. I slowly go to my door and open it taking a deep breath ready to argue with Kai if it goes that way.

I go down to the living room and I expect Kai to be there. To my surprise he isn't.

I look around but I can't notice even a sign that tells me that he's here. I walk around the house but nothing.

"Kai?" i call out but i get no answer.

I should probably be worried or something but rightly now i'm too tired and it would be stupid to think that the "owner" of this prison world gets in trouble in it. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. All I know is that after a few minutes i hear rumbling behind me.

I quickly turn around and all I see is brown hair and then i feel a needle in my neck. I can feel my muscles calm down and after a bit i don't feel anything. I try resisting the urge to shut my eyes but I can't help it. Everything goes dark...

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now