Chaper 30

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We called the cops but when they got here there was nothing on the mirror.

"I'm telling you officer. It was right there." my mom yells at him for the fifth time.

"Ma'am we found no evidence. I'm sorry our work is done here." he says and gets in the car.

I hug my mom and guide her back to the living room. "Don't worry we'll sort this out. I promise."

"It was magic." Kai says. "Joshua made it disappear." he states. "Listen i know you are devastated so i'll find him and make him pay."

"Thank you Kai we appreciate it." My mom says.

I nod in approval "i'm coming with you" i state.

They both look at me like i'm crazy.

"I'm going I am going to be the one to see him pay for the pain we are going through"


"Mom please i need this. It'll help me grieve."

She sighs but nods slowly "fine. be careful."

I hug her as tight as I can.


"Okay i did the spell. I have his location." Kai says.

"Good lets go right now." i suggest.

Kai nods and steps on the gas.

We drive out of town. We head towards a small house in the middle of nowhere. Typical Joshua.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kai asks truly concerned.

"Yes Kai i'm sure. I need to get my revenge. This is the way. We're going to make him suffer for all the horrible things he's done. From what he's done to you since you were born and to what he did to me and my family." i say through tears.

Kai pulls me in and nods in approval. "I understand and don't worry he'll suffer." He leans in for a kiss.

I kiss back and get lost in it for a moment before we go and kill his humanity-less so said father.

"I love you and you can always count on me." Kai says.

"I love you and i'm with you in everything." I say and get out of the car.

Kai does the same and we stare at the house.

"Your father found the best place to die." I state.

Kai chuckles and goes to the trunk. He takes out two blades. He hands me one and closes the trunk.

We walk towards the house. As we do that I think about how Joshua made my life a living hel.

Trapping me in the prison world. Then terrorising me in it. He sent the heretics after me. When we got out he killed me. And now he killed my dad.

He killed my dad. And i am more than happy to make an end to this. I'm ready to send this motherfucker into the deep pits of hell.

With tears rolling down my cheeks and Kai by my side I push in the front door which was already open.
Joshua knew this was the end.

Kai grabs my arm. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks staring into my eyes.

I nod "Yes I want this. I need this."

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now