Chapter 28

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After hours of being at the Salvatore house, I decide it's best if I go home to my family.

I drive to their house and on my way i call Kai to tell him how it went.

"They accepted it?" he asks shocked.

"Damon wasn't so pleased to be honest"

"Who gives a shit about him?" Kai huffs frustratedly. "He cheated on you, remember? You don't need his approval."

"You're right, I'm sorry I just wanted things to go perfectly."

"What could be more perfect than finally being able to be together babe?"

I smile and instantly snap back to reality. Our new reality. The reality where Kai and I are together. "Nothing, this is perfect Kai." i assure him.

"Good. Now don't worry he won't hurt me or your feelings i'll make sure of that, you just go and have fun with your family okay?" he calms me. "I'll see you tomorrow. Love you."

"I love you Kai. Bye" i hang up and continue driving.

I arrive home and greet my mom with a smile as she opens the door.

"Laura" she cheers "I've missed you."

"I missed you too but a lot was going on and I had to take care of everything."

"Come inside. Tell me everything."

I do as she says and follow her into our living room.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"He had to go for a business trip. He'll be back tomorrow evening." my brother says.

I nod and greet him with a hug.

"So uhh it's complicated but i'll tell you everything." I say and sit down on the couch. I tell them about the merge and my friends being unsupportive about my choices.

"They can't blame you to be honest." my mom states.

"I know right?" I say. "There's something else i want you to know... I have a boyfriend."

My mom's eyes light up "Really?"

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, it's Kai."

My mom frowns as well as my brother.

"Oh please don't do this." I sigh with a small whine.

"It's not that but he's a a sociopath, I'm just trying to protect you." my mom says.

"So does he. I would be the last person on this earth that he would hurt."

"I promise you I've never felt more safe in my life than with him." I try calming them.

"I know i can't tell who you who you should love but please be careful. I don't want to lose you." my mom says with a sad smile.

I hug her. "You won't. I promise."

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now