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    مستقل کون رہتا ہے، روایت ہے چھوڑ جانا۔

Anabia and Zainab were leaving their class, the next lecture was after half hour Anabia was tense because İbrahim were not responding to her calls and texts.

She already told Zainab about the situation and Zainab couldn't help but  laugh at Anabia's irritated face.

"I am sorry Anna but i can't believe this, i mean, you... Anabia Zubair is getting ignored" she said and laughed out loud

"Zainab shut up" she rolled her eyes irritated

"He is not even letting me explain yar" Anabia said while finding a spot for herself in cafeteria

"Okay so are you gonna take next class?" Zainab asked getting serious

Anabia ordered food for herself and nodded her head " yeah"

"Are you sure Anabia? You don't have to"

"Zainab i am not afraid of that bastard, the only thing i am worried about is your future which he threatened me with" she said typing rapidly on her phone

" Oh you don't have to worried about that i will show him his place today" Zainab said taking out potato chips from her bag

Anabia stopped typing and look at Zainab " you will not do such thing, are you getting me ?" She said seriously

"And why is that?" Zainab asked squinting her eyes

Anabia sigher out loud " Zainab you are not getting it, you don't have to drag yourself in my mess, it will cost you your future"

"And who said i care about it more then you?" Zainab asked

"Zainab just understand me, stay calm for me. Please!" Anabia sighed

"I am gonna kill him if he didn't pick my call this instant" Anabia said through clenched teeth


The class started and Zainab was giving dirty glares towards professor Raouf

Anabia's mood was at its worst, she was irritated first because of ibrahim and now she have to face this low life Infront of her.

After the class end professor stood in front of his dice while everyone started to go out, Anabia grabbed her belongings and tried to go out as fast as she can but professor's voice stopped her

"Anabia Zubair you still have extra class with me so hurry up and-"

"You still have the nerves to say this!" Zainab said clapping her hands coming forward

Anabia sighed knowing well that this girl just can't stop

"W-what do you mean miss?" The professor tried to act normal

"Oh you really don't know? Hear me out you low life" walking towards him with threatening steps her finger pointing at him, she continued " if you ever and i mean it, ever even looked at any girl with wrong internation with your dirty eyes i will rip them apart" she seethed

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