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Anabia waited whole night for ibrahim's call but he didn't called her, she was feeling anxious about what will happen if anyone will find out the diamonds in her closet.

She so wanted to share it with zainab but something was stopping her, she wasn't sure what it was, maybe fear ?

Fear of not getting caught because she didn't do anything wrong although she fears if zainab come to know she will probably ask her to stop talking to ibrahim and if he threatenes her then to tell her family

'It's not like i want to talk to ibrahim, or maybe i do want to ?'  she thought

Deep down she do wanted to talk to him, to listen to his day, deep down she liked it how he cares for her, how he don't force her to be awake and talk to him, moreover she loved how he distanced himself during her exams so she won't feel distracted.

But she didn't wanted to say this words out loud, because if she does she will be sure she is falling for him.

Anabia reminded herself that even talking to him is wrong.

' but, we are just friends, its not like i am his girlfriend and we are doing haram thing '

She tried to tell herself false promises


The day went by waiting for ibrahim's call but he didn't called her.

"Matlab ab gussa bhi he khud hi galat kr k" she muttered going through her contact list and glaring at his number

(It means he is mad even after he is wrong)

Finally having enough she pressed the call sign

The bell rang two times and he attended on third ring

"Hello? Asalam u alikum" Anabia greeted in cold voice

"Wa alikum salam" he greeted back in cold voice.

And they both fell into silence, she didn't know what to say next

'Oh god, why did i even call him on the first place?' she thought chewing on her nail nervously

All her tough act vanished in air

"Yes?" ibrahim asked, his voice felt emotionless

' oh so he is going to give me cold shoulder now' she frowned thinking

"About gift, y- "

"You can throw it for all i care " he said through greeted teeth

Anabia frowend deepend at his childish act

"And why can't you take it back"

"Ibrahim never takes back gifts"

Anabia felt like slapping him on his face , she took a deep breath

"Listen ibrahim, I can't take gift which i myself is not Capable to buy" she tried to make him understand

"Who says you have to buy when i am here to do that for you ?" He asked

"Are you my father? Brother to buy things for me ? " She fired back

"Excuse me!!, I am not you brother nor father" he said offended

"So why will you buy me stuff , it's not like you are my husband" she scoffs

"Yet" ibrahim said , she can litraly feel him smirking

"In your dreams mister, in your dreams" she says, a little blush Crept on her cheeks

"That, it's already in my dreams" he flirted

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