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The reception of hina passed smoothly, everything was good and on it place, Anbabia came home arguing to her mother that she will not go college tommorow as she is very tired

"You already skiped college yesterday, i will not tolerate this, you will go tomorrow " her mother order sternly

"Ammeee" she whined crying fakely

"Not a single word more" her mother raised her hand in the ai indicating her to stop

Anabia went to her room stomping, she went in and changed while mumbling "skoon hi ni he zindagi me, prhai prhai prhai, akhir me to shadi kr k bachay hi palne hena, pata ni kahan le kr jana he is prhai ne" she angrily mumbled and changed into her night suit

(There's no peace in life, study study study , in the end we have to marry and raise children, don't know where this study will take us)

As she hanged her dress she was wearing in reception her phone started ringing

She look at the number not recognizing it and tried to ignore it

But she was curious to who will call her, it was always like this she just can't ignore the unknown number,
She is just like a curious cat

Ignoring her subconscious she attended the call

"Hello?" She asked quit rudely so if it is boy on other line will get the hint to not mess with her

"Look out of your window" was all she heard

All the arogence in her voice fadded away

"What?" She asked trying to act brave

"I said look out of you window" she walked towards her window, her heart beating like she has ran marthons

She looked out the window only to see  sheikh ibrahim standing resting his back on his black hilux truck in all his glory

Her eyes widened as she remembered his words

"I told you not to block me or i will come to your house to unblock me" he said calmly

"I-i-, who the hell are you ? How do you know where i live ? " She stuttered at first but then anger rushed through her veins and she barked at him

The audacity of this guy!

"You can search up in google for me, but unblock me First " he said his face emotionless his voice cold yet calm

"Oh i will not do such thing " she greeted back

"Are you sure ? , Because i can go in their and ring the bell to come to you-"

"You will no do this!" She cut him off

He sighed "neither do i want to , but you are asking for it " he said both of them were looking at eachother while talking on phone

"What do you want" she asked

"Just unblock me, i just want to befriend nothing more nothing less" he said calmly

"And why will i be your friend ?" She asked challenging him

He sighed again, he was irritated the she didn't took him serious

"You don't have options Bia" he said giving her nickname

" My name is not bia! " She said irritated

"Well i gave you this name, only i will call you bia, cause i know everybody close to you calls you Ana" he shrugged

"Go away, don't take me as one of your flings, i am not like those girls to talk to you and befriend with unknown guy" she told him sternly

"Oh believe me i know you are not like them, and that pulls me towards you, just unblock me have chit chats with me only for one hour everyday "

"Why would i? Huh? Why do you think i will agree with you ?"

"I already told you , you don't have any choice here bia, i am already tired"

"So ? What should i- " her voice died down when she saw him Walking towards the the gate of her house saying

"Aise ni mano gi tum "
( You will not agree like this)

Her heart sank thinking about the drama that he will create or his brother and father will

She stopped him before his finger could press the ring bell

"Stop stop, krte hun unblock " she said
(I will unblock you)

He stopped and looked up at her

"Do it fast " he said

She nodded and pulled her phone away from her ears and started to unblock him from Instagram as well as his number, while he was on the other line waiting for him

Once she was done she looked at him and nodded her face held helplessness

He sighed looking at her helpless state "go and sleep now, i am sure you are also tired because of the function , and i am sorry for disturbing you " with that he give her a flying kiss while she looked at him in disgust
When he sent fly kiss

Chuckling he opened his car door and waved at her she was still looking at him in disgust, he sat in the car and drove off

She gulped thinking where she is stuck

She sat on her bed still thinking about what will happen when his brother or father finds out

She opened her phone to text zainab asking if she's awake

But as she opened inbox the massage poped up

"Ab bd'duaen na dena sari raat, so jao 😉"
(Now don't curse me all night, go sleep)

"Kia azab he " she thought
(What the hell)



Guys i know i always say that the updates will get regular and i promise it will one i will be coming to the main point

I am sorry i updated after so long but please do bare this

And i know the chapter is short as well as boring but it is just start , abhi to party shuru honi he

And i changed the discription
Please go ahead and take a look on it and tell me you thoughts about it

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