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"Listen, if any guy and i mean it any guy bothers any if you, you both will come straight to me, you get me" Sarim lectured both zainab and Anabia

While Zainab nodded like a good girl Anabia rolled her eyes at Sarim

"Ho gaya tumhara?"
( are you done ?)

Sarim glared at her, " i am serious Anna "

"I know, lets go zainab " Anabia said irritatedly

They both eneterd their university, it was their first day.

"Are you excited?" Zainab asked happily

"Prhnay k liye ?, Not at all"
( To study?)

"Oh i am not mad to ask if you are excited for studies, i was asking about university"

"Still not excited, umer ho gae he mere shadi krwa dete bas ab"
Anabia pouted, they both were walking towards their class

(It's my age now to get married, should have married me off)

" Larka to dhond len pehlay, phir krwa den gay despo"
(Let us first find a groom, then we will marry you off despo

"Dhoonda liya he " anabia mumbled
(Have already found)

Zainab stopped in her place

She slowly moved her head towards Anabia whose eyes were wide open now realizing zainab just heared her

"Did you just said what i think you said?" She asked frowing coming closer to Anabia

Anabia backed up" I didn't say anything like i have already found" Anabia rumbled

"But I didn't told you what i heard, ANABIA!" Zainab seethed at her


The class started and Anabia zainab both sat on the front row both silent, Anabia promised her to tell once they get home.

Zainab was in no mood to talk to Anabia, Anabia would poke zainab but she will ignore it

Anabia once again poked zainab for the fifth time and finally got a reaction from zainab

She turned to Anabia and glared at her so hard that Anabia gulped and sat straight on her seat.

"You miss, stand up" the professor pointed at Anabia and both zainab and Anabia stood up nervously

The professor was a middle-aged man with a little belly and a wig on his head anyone could tell from a fair distance that he is wearing a wig, a poor attempt on hiding his blade shiny head.

"Yes sir " both said

"What's you name, the one in blue dress " he asked a small smirk on his face

Zainab internally cringed and but anabia being anabia cringed visibly

Zainab sat down because she wasn't the one who's name he was asking

"Anabia Zubair" Anabia said

"Hmm, sit "

'eww' Anabia thought.

The day go on like that and finally the girls came home this time Anabia was staying at Zainab's house

They both were in their rooms

"Care to explain?"  Zainab asked

Anabia gulped and tucked her hair strand behind her ear

"You remember ibrahim sheikh?" She whispered

"Who ? "

"Ibrahim sheikh, the guy who texted me on Instagram and i Blocked him"

"I don't remember any Anabia"

"You won't actually its been seven months after all" Anabia said rolling her eyes.

"You like someone for seven months!!!" Zainab gasped


"And you didn't even bother telling me Anabia how can you "

"How are you so sure i am talking about him!" Anabia argued

"Because you replied some unknown id for the first time, i knew at that time something is pulling you to text him back" zainab said frowing

"You observe so much, don't you" Anabia smirked

"Whatever, tell me now"

After half an hour Anabia heaved a sigh in relief, finally she is feeling like some burden is taken of her shoulders

"You know, i knew there was something different happening to you, you never smiled thinking about something and blushed, i was suspecious but i thought if you wants to tell me then you will" zainab shrugged casually

"Are you not happy with it ?" Anabia played with her fingers nevrously

"It's not like this, i am just sad you didn't tell me before, you didn't trust me or what?" Zainab asked looking at her own hands now

Anabia's head shot up in shock " hell no, its not like that Zainay" she grabbed her hands in her own

"Look at me" she said

And Zainab did, hurt was clear in her eyes

Anabia feels more guilty then before

"Zainay, I didn't tell you because i knew you will think he is forcing me to talk to him, but it is not like that, deep down i wanted to talk to him as well, the first time i see his pictures i felt attracted towards him and i knew if i tell you, you will ask me to not talk to him and that was something I didn't wanted to do " she confessed

"Ofcourse i would have stopped you" zainab said frowing

"See?, thats why " she said smiling

Zainab just shook her head, she was afraid for her friend " Anabia jan, ahtiyat say, chot na kha lena mohabbat me " she said her hands on  Anabia's cheek

(Anabia my love, be careful not to get hurt in love )

Anabia smiled " oh no, it is never gonna happen " she winked

The night they spent talking and laughing

Anabia told her funny Moments with ibrahim

" He even bought me Diamonds ear-rings and ring" Anabia said her voice high pitched

Zainab eyes widened "are you kidding me ? " She gasped

" No , seriously" anabia laughed

"Where are they?, Show me" Zainab asked

" I gave him back ofcourse" anabia said in a duh tone

"What! I want to see those ear-rings and ring "

Anabia smiled and opened her phone "i have pictures" she go through her gallery and showed Zainab the picture

"O.M.G, Anna its so beautiful"

"I know right, but it was diamonds so i can't just have it"

Zainab agreed with her

" He is loaded " Zainab wiggle her eyebrows

"He is the future MNA after all"

Zainab smiled

Anabia phone ranged and they both looked at it

"Rahima?" Zainab asked frowing

"Ibrahim , rahim and rahima " Anabia winked and they both laughed

Anabia and ibrahim had a long talk and zainab was sitting with Anabia the phone was on loud speaker

They both would laugh at ibrahim's jokes and zainab had to put her hand on her mouth

So ibrahim won't listen.



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