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The whole hospital was in a fuss doctors getting here from there yelling at nursers to get fast

"Sister, bring the stracher , fast!" A lady doctor yelled

"Doctor whats happening, it was not even her due time of delivery" a panic husband asked

"Sir, please keep calm, we will try our best to save both lives" the doctor tried to reassure

"Please doctor save them both" he stressed

The doctor nod and was rushing the lady who was crying and screaming from the pain of the labour

The husband grabbed her hand with both hands " shh , baby, try to breath in, we will get through this " he said still rushing with the moving stracher that had the petient lying on it

They stopped Infront of the operation room " sir you have to wait outside please " the doctor said

And husband nodded understanding the situation

" Pray for her " the nurse said and went inside the operation room


It's been an hour and there was still no sign of any information of his wife that was inside giving delivery to his baby

He was stressed

He was sitting on the bench that was outside the operation room his one foot constantly tapping on the floor getting impatient


"Ma'am please try to push harder" the lady was crying hysterically she couldn't bare the pain

The nurses were tense as this is a very complicated delivery.

" Shit, she has lost so much blood" doctor panic slightly

"Go and arrange her blood group , go fast we cant wait anymore" the doctor said still pushing on her belly  " we cant even go for c-section "


The door of the operation room opened and a nurse came out

The man waiting for his wife and child stood up "what happened ? How is my wife ? And our baby ? " The man asked a single tear rolled down his cheek.

He love his wife so much he can't bear to loose her.

"Sir the delivery is being very complicated , we have to find O+ blood group , if you can arrange it please so do , i am going to arrange it if i can find , it is very rare blood group so it will be very hard to find it " the nurse said and the main put his hands on hi hairs , he don't know if anyone has this blood group

He make calls

20 minutes passed like its been hours but they couldn't find the group

The man grabbed his hair and pulled on them tears of helplessness ran down his cheeks


"Push last push just a little more , just a little more " the doctor said

"Agghhhhh" she screamed as the pain was so unbearable and she pushed one last time

The doctor pulled out the baby

Cries of a baby can be heared  outside as the man behind the closed door froze

"YA ALLAH SHUKAR "  He cried the tear of happiness putting his hands above making a prayer " boHat shukar mola ! and went inside


Just as he went inside he heared doctor said " congratulations its a boy"

He laughed in happiness and doctor handed him the baby

"Take him to his mother" doctor said as she feared that the mother is breathing her last breathes

The man nodded happily still unknown to his wife condition he strode towards his wife who looked like she was in faze as the given anesthesia was working on her

The man smiled whole heatedly at his wife and kissed her forhead

"Look our baby" he bend his hands down to show her their baby

The girl looked one glance at the baby a tear rolling down her eye

"Ibrahim" was her last words as she hicped  and went lifeless

The guy smiled still looking at his baby unknown that his wife is no more , "Ibraim, ibrahim it is then" he smiled giving his son a name

He looked down at his wife but his smiled vanished as he saw her looking at straight way like a lifeless body

He stood frozen their

"Tell her to stop finding for the blood group, we lost her " Doctor said out loud to the other nurse

All the doctors and nursed that were their turn their head down in disappointment

The man stood there with the baby in his hand, still shocked

It can't be happening

A loud sob broke through his and he clutched the crying baby to his heart...



Who's excited ?

Well i am


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