766 101 43

Dard hota he
Dard honay do
Zakhm gehra he
Ise rehnay do
Ankhain roti hen
Inhe ronay do
Yaad ai he
Mujhay peenay do

It was past midnight when saira was sitting on swing staring at the night sky. It gave her some kind of peace. The calm night always makes her feel good. Today there was sadness in her heart and this calm night wasn't helping her.

She wanted so many answers. So many questions build up inside her head.

Will he accept her ever? Why is he behaving like this?

She wants nothing more then just a little bit of his attention. He was just so cold towards her. And it hurts. it truly does. She always wanted him as her mehram, as her husband, she just wanted him to be hers, That he is now but why it doesn't feel like he is hers. What have she ever done wrong?

He is married to her now and he should give him her all rights. Atleast he should try to give it a chance. But he isn't doing this.

Suddenly a thought came in her mind and it made her heart sank.

Is there any other girl? Does he like someone else?

She shook her head rapidly to get this thought out of her head.

"No it can't be, he is independent man, if her ever liked someone he would have never married me in the first place."

This thought make her sigh a relief.

"You are just overthinking Saira!" She scolded herself

The sound of gate opening pulled her out of her overthinking.

Ibrahim's car entered the garage, her stomach did a little flip.

"Ugh these butterflies" she mumbled looking his way.

He came out of car after parking it on its right place. Looking up he walked towards the door without even looking at the person sitting in lawn on swing.

Saira was fast enough to go after him. He didn't noticed her yet and made his way inside the house and upstairs towards his room. Well guest room. In which he is staying now days.

He entered with Saira behind him, he pulled his wallet out if his jacket and take his jacket off. Saira quickly helped him taking it off. Making him notice her presence. He looked at her raising his eyebrow. As she looked down while folding his jacket.

"Asalamualikum"  she mumbled

He sighed closing his eyes, he doesn't want her near him. But still greet her back.

"Walikum salam"

The awkward silence begin but İbrahim didn't payed any heed to saira presence as he took his towel and made his way towards washroom.

She opened her mouth to stop him and ask him something but couldn't as the voice of door shutting made her shut her mouth.


"Anabia Sarim is waiting for you in car, go " her mother said and handed her a lunch box

"Mama i am not a kid, i won't take this lunch box" Anabia shook her head

Her mother gave her famous motherly glare which shut Anabia's mouth instantly

"Eat it on you way!" She said in her strict tone


She said and draped her chadar around herself like zainab always do.

Taking her phone and books she walked towards her car and sat in passager seat.

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