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اک پھول دوں گا مسکراتے ہوئے

اب کی بار ملی تو کہ دوں گا، اچھی لگتی ہو🌸

Never in his whole life İbrahim felts this happy, he felt his heart jumping with excitement

Anabia was coming in just few more minutes, he had booked a private room in one of best restaurants for their little date

Her every favourite dish was served on table as Anabia has warned him about the short time she is allowed for

"I will be with you only for hour or 15, baba said he will pick me up and he ia dropping me" she said

"What did you tell them?" İbrahim asked curiously

"I said it's one of our friend Eman's birthday, and Allah knows i am feeling guilty for lying to them" she pouted

"I am sorry jan" İbrahim apologized feeling guilty himself

"That's fine, i can do little for you " she smiled

"Mhm?" Ibrahim teased Making Anabia laugh

"Okay i am coming in half an hour " she said

"Okay, see you" just as he was about to cut the call she stopped him

"Listen, listen!"


"Make sure the table is ready before i arrive there, i am starving haven't eat anything after breakfast" she said last words in baby voice

"Yes ma'am" İbrahim said chuckling

'Anabia and her Obsession with food' he thought smiling


Anabia took her seatbelt off and kissed her baba's cheek

" I will call you once i am free, okay?" She asked

Her father nodded but frown when he saw her hands empty "Anna didn't you buy any gift for your friend?"

Anabia looked at her hands and gulped

"Baba i already gave her gift in morning" she replied with Forced smile

She don't like it, she have to lie to her parents, she never did this before, atleast not like this.

Patting her head his father droped her  and waited till she entered the restaurant , when he was sure she got in he droved back home

Anabia's heart was thumping loudly, she felt nervous.

She looked here and there for İbrahim but didn't find him on any table

A waitress walked towards her and asked "Miss Anabia ? "

Anabia nodded

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