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"What does he think of himself huh! He can't just give me threats like that, i am not the one who will fear him, huh!" Anabia was mumbling this all to herself angry at what just happened

She was going back towards the crowd after washing her hand

Zainab saw her mumbling to herself angry " tumhe kiya hoa bibi?" She asked confused at her bestfriend
(What happened to you girl?)

Anabia just shake her head her face still have that angry frown

"What happened ?" Zainab asked again

" I will tell you when we reach home" she told zainab

"Okayyyy" she draged tye kay at the end unsured to what exactly might happened

"By the way you know why anty and ammi(mama) called Sarim bhai ? "She asked wiggling her eyebrows

"How would i know, stupid" Anabia said irritated because of that man and here she is not getting on point

"Tch , they called him because they wanted him to see girl for himself" Zainab said excitedly

At this all the anger and frustration vanished from Anabia's face

"Aray , are you serious " she asked excited

Zainab nodded in agreement

Anabia started to walk towards them mumbling "how can they chose his bride without me !" She said frowing

Zainab trailed behind her " ay pagal( you stupid) they didn't said yes to the proposal , they were just letting him see the girl " she said running after Anabia  when she started walking fast

Anabia stopped when she saw her brother talking to some girl , she made her way there and cleared her throat


Both of them turn towards her and Sarim raised his eyebrow at her questioningly

Anabia gave him a teasing look and he again raised his both eyebrows questioningly

"What?" He asked irritatedly

Anabia smiled cheesily at him " won't you introduce me to my bhabhi " she said pointing towards the girl infront of them with her eyes

Sarim face got pale and he gulped "Anabia , you are getting it wr-" he tried to say something but she cut him off

"Nevermind " she said and turned towards that girl who had a confused face with confused smile on

She extended her hands towards that girl and started rambling "Hello , i am Anabia zubair , Sarim's younger sister , and your soon to be nanund (sister in law) , you should try to win my heart , because i will have the last words for his proposals , if  i don't like the girl she won't be my bhabhi an- " zainab pinched her hard she and sarim stood their soo embarrassed their faces red from embarrassment Sarim's eyes wide as sauces

"Ouch" Anabia hissed and rubbed her arm where zainab pinched

She looked at zainab and barked " what"

Zainab smiled apologeticly at the girl and draged Anabia fron there


"She is just so nikammi, always embarrassing me , she will not grow up if you will treat her like this !" Her ammi were constantly taking class of Anabia they were all at home and Anabia's dad couldn't stop his laugh at the story they told him

Anbabia pouted " but ammi I didn't knew she was bhai's colleague " embarrassed herself

His father laughed more loudly while his brother was at the corner of the launch his hands on his hips

Zainab was at her house so she missed all this drama

"Couldn't you just keep quit , you don't have to start your rambling everywhere" her mother wasn't having it , she was so angry at her stupid daughter

"Okay Okay, Ana beta go sleep you have to attend reception tomorrow " his father trying to save his daughter shooed her away

Anabia smiled thankfully at her father for saving her and kissed his cheek getting up

Her mother was glaring at her, and she turned to her brother who was looking at her a little smile on his face

She showed him her tongue teasing him and he laughed at her childishness


She was sleeping peacefully when her phone started ringing , she didn't made any move to take the phone , the phone ringed again

She sleepily attend the call without looking at it her eyes still close irritation clear on her face

"Kiya masla hay ? Sonay nahi deta koi bhi sakoon say " she scolded the person who was one the line

(What's your problem , nobody let me sleep peacefully)

"Oops , i didn't knew mene jaga diya apko , shadi the to socha abhi tk jaag rahi hogi "

(I didn't knew i made you wake up, it was you relative's marrige so i thought you would be not sleeping )

She didn't recognize the voice because there's no guy who will call her " o bhai wrong number hay, maaf kro " she said and cut the call

( O brother its wrong number , sorry)

Not a minute passed and the phone ringed again

She again attend the call "MASLA KIYA HAY !!?" She semi yelled at the person

"Easy , i just wanted to say you were looking so beautiful today "

"Han to wo to me hun , ho kon tum"
(Yes , that i am , who even are you )

"Sheikh Ibrahim" he said lowly

Her eyes was still closed when she was talking on hearing this name she pressured her mind to remember who is he

When realization hits her , her eyes shot open and she looked at the id

The number was unknown

Before she could say something he said " go and sleep now , i am sorry i disturbed you , take care , i will call you tomorrow make sure to attend on the first ring " with that he end the call

She was looking at the phone still not coming yo her senses

"What the hell "

She frowend and blocked his number

" A jatay hen uth k kaheen say bhi ! Huh! "

And she slept again peacefully knowing no one's gonna disturb her now



Missed me ? 🌝😉😉

Just some more days and there will be updates not regularly but i will try to update asap


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