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Seeing the caller id she wanted to cry hard but hold herself in.

Attending the call she put the phone near her ear "i am waiting at cafeteria where are you?" Ibrahim asked from other side

"I-i am going home İbrahim, mama called me to inform there are some guest visiting- so i-i have to go home real quick " she said breathing hard

"Bia" came his stern voice, he can sense the lie in her voice

"Hmm?" She asked meekly, not being able to talk much

"Where are you right now?" He asked

Anabia start walking " i- i will call you once i get home" she said in a shaky voice

With that she ended the call

Ibrahim felt worried and stood up walking towards his car


A day has passed and Anabia tried to act normal but failed, Zainab came for night stay. Right now they were both laying in their bed covered in quilt. Anabia and Zainab both cuddling each other.

A frown visible on Zainab's face

" Anna what happened tell me, i am getting worried "

Anabia didn't said anything she just snuggled more in Zainab, a whimper left her mouth

Zainab stood straight looking at Anabia , she was crying

"What happened yar you never cry, did İbrahim said anything?"

Anabia shook her head

"Then tell me or else i am going to call İbrahim and t-" Anabia cut her in

"No, you  wouldn't do that " she said whipping her tears

"I will " she said and grabbed her phone from side table, even though she doesn't have İbrahim's number.

"Stop, stop i will tell you, but promise me you wouldn't tell anybody about this" she said and Zainab nodded confused


She narrated whole incident to Zainab who was fuming in anger, she wanted to slap Anabia hard for not telling her this before

"Why did you acted week? , You aren't like this Anna, you should have shouted or should have- "

"You aren't understanding the situation, Zainab he threatened me with your career, YOUR career " Anabia tried to make Zainab understand

"SO what!?  are you mad ? You are the most important person for me, hell with my career, hell with him, he just threatened you and you just ughh" Zainab said frustrated

"Yar Zainab i know you are serious about you future and i just can't do anything when it comes to you , i can't br selfish"

"Anabia Zubair just shut up or i will smack you hard" Zainab yelled making Anabia to put her finger on her lips

"I will see that bastard tommorow just wait and watch"

"No you wouldn't d-"

"Just. Shut. Up, you stupid human being"

The night passed like this, with both of them talking, arguing and cuddling.


Whole night ibrahim sat with his phone in his hand texting Anabia

He called her more then twenty times but she didn't picked any of his calls

He was worried sick for her.

" Last time, for god sake pick the damn call up "

He called her but again she didn't pick  the call

"Enough" he muttered frustratedly

He stood up grabbing his car keys walking down stairs

It was past 3  in the morning but he didn't care he want to see her, he want to make sure she's okay,

He never felt like this before.

He never felt the urge to see someone before at this time of morning , to see if they are okay, his all care his all concerns were just for his father, for his king, for his old man.


He was standing on his usual spot beside his car outside of Anabia's house

The lights of her room were off, he come to conclusion that she is already sleeping

"Baat bhi ni ki aj, or so bhi gae" he mumbled sadly with a little pout
( She slept without talking to me )

He sat in his car , hoping she might wake up or call him.

He was continuously looking at her window waiting for her room's light to turn on.

Waiting for her he fell asleep in his car.


The next morning Anabia didn't want to go university but Zainab dragged her there. As they sat in there car she noticed İbrahim's car in front of her house her eyes widened


What the hell is he doing here?

There car passed İbrahim's car, she looked inside to see İbrahim's head leaning on the window

A new wave of happiness and guilt ran through her veins, she felt happy and giddy seeing his effort.

She didn't check her phone before, it was on silent all night and she almost forgot about him, the time she spend with Zainab helped her think straight.

He must have called me, shit!

She opened her bag and saw twenty one missed calls and many texts fron rahima

She cursed under her breath and felt guilty

I should have checked my phone once!

As they reach university Sarim drop them

The first thing she did after entering university was to call him

His phone rang once and he picked up

"Bia, are you okay ? Bia?!" His sleepy voice came, the first thing he asked her waking up

She felt so guilty

"Ibrahim i am okay, i am sorry my phone was on silent whole night and i was busy with Zai-" she tried to explain

Ibrahim got angry  "And you forgot about me ? I was worried sick about you and you didn't even call me yesterday after university, i get it, i am a big fool who was worried for you, i am a Big f***ing fool who THOUGHT YOU WOULD have called me if you were okay!"  With that he cut the call and threw his phone on passanger seat

It was the first time he did this stupidity for anyone. He will make sure to not do this again

He can see how much she care about him while he is being a fool for her !

He drove towards his house, the whole time his phone rang and rang but he didn't picked the call.

He was angry, he was angry at her at himself for acting like a Majnu



The main plot is not so much far now 😏😏




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