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کل بچھڑنا ہے تو پھر عہد وفا سوچ کے باندھ
ابھی آغاز مہبت ہے گیا کچھ بھی نہیں

"Mama pass me plate of somosa" Anabia said with her mouth full.

"Pehlay wala to khatam kr lo behn" zainab said looking at her full mouth as Anabia tried to chew the goodies.

(Finish the first one sister)

"It's almost finished" she said as she swallow the bite.

Zainab, her parents and Anabia and her parents were sitting in lawn having tea at late afternoon.

They were discussing the buisness as well as the new proposal they got for Sarim.

Sarim who was at work didn't knew about the new proposal. He was okay with whatever his family would decide for him.

While Anabia was not okay with it, she was hell bent on finding the best for her brother.

Zainab got up and took dishes back in kitchen Anabia trailing behind her
" Zainab!"


"Yaar i was thinking..." Anabia draged

"Thinking what?" Zainab asked putting things on their places



"Why are we finding bride for bhai from outside?" Anabia asked Looking at zainab hopefully

"What do yo-" zainab froze as she registered Anabia's words

"Listen list-"

"ANABIA ZUBAIR behave!" Zainab seethed and turn around to wash her hands

"Yaar listen na, look " she said making zaianb face her

"Anabia can you stop this nonsense?" Zainab asked irritated

"Yar dekh, if we fail to find a good bride for bhai then i am sure i will not like her and then she will be evil mami to my children (mother's sister in law) and she won't love my children nor would my children love her, then i will have to stay away from her and that practically mean to stay away from bhai, you got me ? " Anabia said trying to make a reason

"Anabia what even in the world?" Zainab said her face horrified she didn't knew what to do laugh at her nonsense or cry

"Yar look i know if you became my bhabhi then everything will be like a dream omg it would be so amazing zainy, my children will love you and you will too love them to death i know" Anabia said it excitedly

"First it is just Your dream!, Secondly i WILL love your children to death even if i am there khala ( anty)"


"And get you mind out of this stupid though, he is like brother to me "

"Zainab he is not you brother by blood!"

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