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وابستگیاں خوار کرتی ہیں احتیاط کیجئے۔

Anabia was offering her salah, soon after she was done with her salah she hold her hands high as in manner to make dua

Unintentionally the first dua came from her lips was for İbrahim, it's been three days since she last talked to him, İbrahim was not accepting her calls neither responding to her texts, it's not like she's constantly trying to get his attention, she only texted 3 time in last two days and called only once which he didn't accept.

If it was happening with her months ago she would have been glad but that's not the case now.

The silence from his side was eating her, she is restless from three days, she would dream about him, dream about him being close to her, she didn't knew why it's all happening, she should be glad he is not bothering her but she wasn't this time.

Actually she wants him to bother her this time, everything is not same as before.

Everything that happened in last few months came crashing down her mind.

I was not like this. I was not supposed to even befriend with him, that's not who i am. I don't befriend with guys.

I shouldn't feel empty because he is ignoring me, i shouldn't.

Am i falling for him? Or did i already fall?

A tear escaped her eyes, then another and another and then she cried a river Infront of her ALLAH.

She cried because she wasn't supposed to fall.

She cried because she thinks İbrahim wants her just as friend.

She cried because he was ignoring him.

She cried because she was feeling hurt because of him.

She cried and cried.


Two weeks later.

Ibrahim and his friends were having a get-together in one of his friends house in New York. He was here to free his mind from her thoughts. To get his mind straight. To have some changes.

But from the past two weeks not even once her thoughts left his mind, and surely he can't help it.

His non muslim friends were having there drinks while he just go for non alcoholic cocktail.

The girls from there friend circle were also here and some of them were giving him a swear headache.

They all sat in a circle to play truth and dare. They always used to play this game.

Everyone was enjoying but İbrahim's eyes were on his phone. Wishing for one text from her. He waited for her to put effort for him, to talk to him. But she didn't.

She just texted him 3 massages that too about

"Are you seriously gonna ignore me?

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