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شفا دیتا تھا کبھی جس کا مرہمی لحجہ
وہ مسیحا مجھے بیمار کر کے چھوڑ گیا۔۔۔

Four days, four days never felt this heavy before for İbrahim. His mind occupied with only one thought, of only one person. These days he feels like burden on his shoulder. A constant ache in his heart, mind numb. Everything felt like a horrible dream but it wasn't.

Standing in front of a mirror dressed in white shalwar kameez, rolex tied on his wrist with hallow eyes. He gulped hard eyes becoming wet yet again. Guilt, hurt, misery, helplessness clear in them. He felt like screaming, crying his heart out. He only loved one girl in this world. He fell for only one person and very hard. He had everything he asked for but the most precious thing he wanted. If someone would tell him four years ago he will cry like this for a girl he would have laughed like a mad man. But here he is.

Never in his wildest dream he thought his father would ever force him to take this big step. He wants to blame him he wants to hate him for forcing him to do this but that's not in his hands. The only family he ever had was and is him. He played role of a mother as well as a father and bestfriend in his life.

He can endure anything but not his father's anger or resentment

He took out his new phone from his pocket looked at the screen dialed a number he so wanted to call but didn't. Swallowing the bitterness he put his phone back in his pocket and left his room.

Going downstairs he met his father who was talking to servants asking them to put flower buckets and sweets, dresses and many more thing in the car.

After all his only son was going to get engaged today.

He looked at all the buckets and then at his father who didn't noticed him yet. Clearing his throat he gained his father's attention.

Sultan turned around and saw his son. A smile appeared on his face with pure relief expressions. He patted his son's back "let's go"

İbrahim nodded and sat in his car.

The whole ride sultan had a satisfied smile. He was thankful that his son didn't proved him wrong. He knew he was not happy but he was sure he will be after marriage or that's what he thought.


"Anabia for god sake beta, get up eat something or you will get more sick" her mother tried everything to feed her but Anabia was not responding much. Four days and she was sick with high fever, only eats when her mother force spoon in her mouth.

"Anty let her sleep, i will make her eat after a short nap" Zainab worried voice rang in Anabia's ear.

"Okay" sighing she got up and left the room

Now there was only Zainab and Anabia in room

"Anabia i have had enough of this. What's wrong tell me! " Zainab said a little angry now

She has been beging Anabia to tell her something but it was of no use.

"Nothing Zainab leave me i want to sleep"

" I will call İbrahim if you didn't tell me now and this time miss i have his number " Zainab threatened

Hearing his naam Anabia's lips wobbled a little bit and she turned her face on the other side so Zainab can't notice new set of hurtful tears.

" I will talk to him tomorrow myself please i am just feeling very down" Anabia pleaded

Seeing her state Zainab felt her heart wrench she didn't want to force her so she let her sleep and left the room kissing her forehead.

As the door closed Anabia's shoulders shook while she cried again making her head hurt more.

She warned her, Zainab warned Anabia but oh how stupid she was to fall for him.

But now the damage is done.

شفا دیتا تھا کبھی جس کا مرہمی لحجہ
وہ مسیحا مجھے بیمار کر کے چھوڑ گیا

"Saira they are here" Noor told her giggling

Saira felt butterflies in her stomach only at the thought of seeing him. She felt her heartbeat raise a blush evident on her face.

Just how much effect he has on her without him knowing.

She left her room with her elder sister Noor and her cousins. They take her in the room where the elders were.

Her eyes casted down in shyness. Greeting İbrahim's father they made her sit beside him. Unconsciously İbrahim shifted a little at side making space in both of them. Thinking at this gesture as a respect sign she smiled. But only he knew the presence of any other women beside him was making him uncomfortable.

The cermony started. It wasn't a big one only close family of saira was there.

They asked İbrahim to put a ring in her finger. Each and every moment was making his heart clench. With a heavy heart he put a ring in her finger without touching her and then looked straight. Not even sparing her single glance.

Now it was her turn to put a ring in his finger. When she grabbed his finger with her other hand to put ring in it he flinched back like her touch just burned him. Surprised she stared at him but was left in full awe. Her heart felt like it would explode with happiness.

She put a ring in his finger now without touching him.

Congrats were passed and the night went through.


They just came home when sultan grabbed İbrahim shoulder making him turn around. He hugged his son with full proudness.

"Thank you."

Ibrahim just looked at him emotionless.

Patting his head like he is a baby he said "you will thank me one day for this. I am sure" Sultan said

Ibrahim smiled a sad smile and said  " i hope" with that he left with tears in his eyes.

As he reached his room his phone was ringing. Taking his phone out he froze for a minute. His heart felt heavy. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Swallowing he accepted the call.

"Hello" he said

"Meet me tomorrow at 10am at university. Back gate."



Asalamualikum and Namastay everyone.  First of all Ramadan mubarakk. Keep me in your prayers please and I hope you are doing well. As we all know covid-19 is spreading like a wild fire. Please do wear a mask, use sensitizer and please leave ur home as less as u can. Please take care of urselves and others And lets pray for our neighborhood indian brothers and sisters for their well being.

As in for update if i get many comments and votes for next update inshaalllah then i will update tomorrow and if not then you will get late update as usual. 🙃💔

Sorry guys but i have a really tight schedule. But i love you guys 🙃❤️

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