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Three weeks has passed and everyday ibrahim will call Anabia and sometimes she answer his call and sometimes she doesn't

She is still giving him a hard time but she was doing what she think is best

She will always answer him briefly not talking too much just yes or no

At one moment Ibrahim will get annoyed and will cut the call

This is all new to him, girls chase him not the other way around

He wants to break her walls she has been creating

He wanted to just feel her chasing him, he want to see her madly in love with him

He wasn't serious about her, but something pulls him towards her, he didn't called her today because last night he was done with her attitude

She will always ask
" are you done ? Can i hang up now?"

"She thinks i will get attracted towards her if she will show me attitude then she is so wrong " ibrahim said out loud annoyed

Annoyed because one side of him wants to call her but the egoistic side of him is not letting him

He gave her respect, he always cared about her , he didn't even showed his real side to her that how he used girls

It's not like ibrahim doesn't have other girls beside her

No, he changes girl after every week

Its always some flirting and a little bit more

He was driving towards the club his friends owned

He was sure he will drink tonight to forget her, he promised to himself that he will not call her

Not this time

She will call him

But on the other hand, Anabia didn't even felt a single thing for him, he will call her ask her somethings and she will just say I don't know or yes or no

From past three weeks she just attended his calls 6 times

He will call her everyday but she will just ignore it or make excuses

Tonight she and zainab was doing combine study

Zainab was teaching her everyday but  tommorow they have exam so the were studying combine till late night.

"Ana samjh a gaya ? "
(And did you understood ?)

"Yess babe " anabia exclaimed happily

"Thank god " zainab smiled

"Ager tum na hote to kia hota mera larki" anabia pulled zainab for a hug

(If you weren't here then what would have happened to me ?)

"Anabia he to zainab he , anabia nahi to zainab kuch nahi " zainab told her hugging her back
(Zainab belongs to Anabia , if there's no anabia there will no zainab)

The moment was getting emotional but anabia cutted it " chal ab over na ho "
(Now dont be so overdramatic"

They both laughed and slept studying


The next day they both have exam first time and both were getting ready

"Anabia me tera brown wala dress pehn ke jaon gi"
(Anabia i will wear your brown dress )

"Nahii i want to wear that dress"

"Anabia NO! I said it first!"

"Who's dress is this ?" Anabia asked

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