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Zainab umair^^

Ibrahim entered his house and walked towards his father's study

He saw his father sitting, his back resting on chair and some file in his hand snoring loudly

"Aah the old man slept on his chair" ibrahim smiled and shook his head

He walked towards him and grabbed the file gently, he shook his father to wake him up " Dad , dad wake up"

"Huh" he shook up "what happened" he asked standing up Frightened

"Whoa , easy old man easy " he said laughing

"You slept on chair so get up and go to bed " he said pulling his dad's cheeks

His dad facepalmed himself and sighed

"You shook me violently" he said and smacked his son

"Okay okay, i am sorry " he chuckled


İbrahim jumped on his bad he face towards ceiling , he sighed

He can't help but think about her, she was so beautiful looking so innocent, not even a bit like his flings

'She didn't even looked at me if she had then maybe she would be flattered by my looks ' ibrahim thought

He just want to meet her again , he wants to talk to her, flirt with her

He want her as his next fling

'But how ? How ? I don't even know anything about her ' he thought

Then something clicked in his mind and he sat up suddenly

"ANABIA ZUBAIR " her friend , sister whoever she was did called her name

He smiled and pulled out his phone

He opened his Instagram account and start searching for Anabia Zubair

There was many many girls whoever he thought was her he started sending requests to every anbia Zubair he thought can be her

He was scrolling when one Anabia Zubair account caught his eye

The profile picture was of her

He smirked and send request to her

A massage pop in his DM

"Hey handsome" - Anabia Zubair56 one of the girls he sent request text him

Fuck! Now she is going to annoy me

He started to cancel request one by one and blocked few of them who started flirting with him even when he didn't replied

Two hours passed and he waited for notification that she accepted his request but there was non

"i should send her a text" he said and texted her

"Hey" - Sheikh Ibrahim1

He waited whole night but he didn't got any reply and he fell asleep waiting for her reply


"ALLAH MIA , me to thak gae ray" anabia sighed dramasticly and laid on her bed
(Oh god , i got tired)

She opened her phone and got notification from Instagram

Sheikh Ibrahim1 , wants to send you a massage

Sheikh Ibrahim1 , requested to follow you

Zainab Umair567 shared a post

As usual she ignored the request and opened zainb and her inbox

After laughing her ass of the meme she opened the request massage and allowed it


She ignored the massage and out of curiousty opened his account

*789 posts , 86.6k followers , 110 following*

Her eye widden in shock seeing his followers

Who is he ? Is he some kind of celebrity?

A celebrity send me a request she thought dreamily then laughed at her own thoughts

"He is really handsome" she bit her lip and stalked him for a while then got tired and slept with his account open and her phone in her hand


"Ana , wake up we have college

today" zainab shooked sleeping anabia

"Get away , i am not going today" Anabia Mumbled in her sleep

"Abay ghadi , uth ,teacher phone krain gi gher tab maza ae ga ?"
(You donkey, get up , you will be fine when teacher will give a call at home ?)

At this anabia dramatically cried and sat " jahanum me jao tum or tumhari teacher ka phone " she said and again laid on bed with a thud

( Go to hell you and your teachers phone )

"Teacher ka phone kiu , teacher khud kiu nahi ?"
( Why teachers phone and not her ?)

"Because she is teacher i can't just disrespect her naw" anabia pouted

"Let's not go today, today's hina baji's barat anyway" Anabia suggested

"But what will happen when teacher will call your mother? , I am good at studies so she won't give a call at my home but what about you?" Zainab asked wiggling her eyebrows

"Wo tum mujh par chor do "anabia smirked and got up from her bed and out of her room
(Leave that on me)

She walked towards her mother room , her father was sleeping and her mother was not in the room

She walked towards her mother's side of bed and grabbed her phone that was resting on side table

She opened the calls and searched her teachers name and blocked her

With satisfied smile she went back to her room

"What you did?" Ask zainab

"Blocked teacher from mama's number" she winked at zainab

" Mutmain begherat ho tum " Zainab said and she stuck out her tounge in return
( You are satisfiedly shameless )

"By the way , who is sheikh Ibrahim1 ?"


"You slept stalking him " zainab showed her her opened phone

"Arayy, lemme tell you" she said excitedly and sat infront of zainab tucking back the strand of her hair behind her ear "you know he have so many followers-"

"So you gonna stalk him because he have followers ?"

"Aray lemme complete , he send me request to follow and said hey" she told her showing his message

"So he could be like any other guy"

"You don't get it , he have this much followers and he is following only 110 people and he send me a request" anabia said again showing his id

Zainab frowend at that and start scrolling his pictures

"Waittt a minute Ana, he is the same guy from yesterday morning" zainab said shocked her mouth ajar

"Who?" Anabia asked confused

"The guy you collided with in mall" zainab told her showing his pictures

"WHAT!" Anabia asked shoked

She didn't saw the guy that time but- but how did he found me

"But how did he knew my name ?" She thought out loud

"I don't know " zainab said and looked confused

"Just don't answer him" she said to Anabia and they both ignored the topic


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