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"آنسو بیٹھے قید پلکوں پہ
کیسے انکو بہاوں"

Ibrahim heard a knock on his door, he just came out after shower, his father came in.


"Baba" he nodded while wearing a shirt.

His father sat on the chair and asked İbrahim to sit as well.

They both were now looking at each other "did you tell them ?" İbrahim was first to break the silence

"Tell them what?" Sultan asked

"That i am not going to marry their daughter?"

"Listen here ibrahim, i gave them my words and you know i will never back off my words, and i know whatever you have with this girl is just a fling, it will end soon, give Saira a chance, she is very good girl an-"

"Baba whatever she is, i am not interested in anyone else, i will not marry anyone but Anabia" İbrahim said annoyed

"Do you know ibrahim how happy this girl was when i put my hand on her head confirming this marriage?"

"Baba i-"

"Ibrahim the marriage has been fixed and you my son will marry her !"

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT BABA" İbrahim said now raising his voice

"DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE INFRONT OF ME IBRAHIM! Do you forgot how i raised you? Do you forgot i was here when even your mother wasn't? Did i ever ask something from you? Did i ? This is the first time i asked you for something and look at you. How are you respecting my decisions!" His father roared

"Dad i am respecting your decision but this is about my whole life !"

"İbrahim love is nothing but an illusion my son, you will forget her in a blink of an eye"

"Dad it will never happen, please do not do this with me " İbrahim pleaded

I gave you everything you asked for , this is the first time i asked you for something İbrahim, Lets see how much you respect and love me ibrahim"

"Dad please, i will do whatever you say but please not this, this is the last thing i want fron you" by now İbrahim's heart almost dropped, the finality in his father voice scared him.

"And this is the first ever thing i want from you. Breakup with whatever her na-"

"Dad no i can't" İbrahim stood up shaking his head

"If you will not respect my decision, then remember this, i will never see you face again,i raised you as a father and mother as well, never knew you can't even fullfil my one wish"

By now İbrahim had angry tears rolling down his face his face was now on the other side his back facing his father

"You have a week, this weekend we will do your Nikah "

"BABA! " İbrahim turn around in shock

"Its final İbrahim"

"Baba don't do this" he said in a shaky voice

Without answering he left İbrahi?'s room

Ibrahim sat down in shock with his hands in his hairs tears of anger rolling down his eyes, the vein on his forehead poping out.


Anabia being sleepy head was sleeping because? Because she had nothing to do. So she decided it is good to have some extra sleep

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