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بہت سے لوگ تھے مہمان میرے گھر لیک
وہ جانتا تھا کہ ہے اہتمام کس کے لیے۔

" Give him a call yar, you both are stupid, maybe he is in some trouble that's why he never replied you?"

Anabia just needed this push and she, without asking grabbed her phone and gave him a call.

Zainab was waiting for the other person to attend the call but anabia disappointedly cut the call and throw her phone beside her

Zainab shrugged her shoulder asking 'what happened'

Anabia looked at her and told her " number is powered off"

Zainab sighed disappointed, but something clicked in her mind

" Wait, text him on instagram" zainab said snapping her fingers

"What? Did you really think he will reply me when he's number is powered off ? "

"Yo you idiot, maybe he changed his number, but he can't change his insta id, now can he ? " Zainab asked smacking Anabia on her head

"He can" Anabia answer her with straight face

"But you still can text him dumbo!" She face palmed herself

"Okay wait lemme try"


İbrahim narrated his whole story to Nicole, they were sitting on chairs smoking there cigar

"Ah i see, did you let her explain?" Nicole asked

"Tch, she has all the time to explain,  forget about explaining, she didn't even care that i am not around her, or i am ignoring her, if she too loves me then she would have atleast text me, but naah i think she's happy that i left her"

"she have your number that you are using here ? "  Nico asked making ibrahim froze

"Hm?" Nico asked smirking

"Naah what the hell , that totally slipped out of my mind" İbrahim shake his head and laughed a little on his stupidity " and here i was looking at the screen hoping for her text"

He took a puff of his cigar but then again froze as his mind was working now " but she have my social accounts"


Just as he said his phone vibrated and a notification pop on lock screen his facial expressions changing into shocked one

He looked at his phone and then at Nicole

Nicole raised his eyebrows asking 'what'?

"She texted" with a racing heart ibrahim whispered

Nico smirked shaking his head he got up from his chair patted İbrahim on his shoulder and left.

With a racing heart and a nervous smile İbrahim opened his phone and saw her text on insta


The smile on his face wiped away

Hi? Did she just hi me? Two weeks and just hi ? Wow


Anabia and Zainab was waiting for reply both were sitting with legs cris cross and phone between them as they both were facing each other.

" Did he seen it? " Zainab asked

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