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" Anabia Zubair i want you in my office in five minutes" professor said and walked out of the class room

Anabia and Zainab looked at each other confused

"What is he upto now ?" Zainab asked

"Don't know" Anabia shrugged

"Let's find out, you better go he must be waiting for you" they both start walking towards professor's cabin

Anabia knocked before opening the door and looked at Zainab

"I will be waiting here, go" Zainab said

Anabia noded and went inside.

Professor was sitting behind his desk with assignments Infront of him

"Yes Sir?" She asked confidently

"Ah yes, Anabia" he said looking up at her

"yes sir?"

"You got 5 marks in the recent assignment" he said handing her the assignment.

Failing wasn't something new to her,
She wanted to laugh at how İbrahim taunted her that he was good in studies yet he did poor work in assignment

She was okay with it, nothing new to her.she flipped the pages to see a very bad handwriting of ibrahim, a smile made its way on her face at the thought of İbrahim

The professor cleared his throat looking at her " you are the only one who failed in my class" Anabia looked at professor and her smile faded

Again nothing new to her.

"Okay" she said not knowing what to say

"Okay? You are okay with it? "

" Uh, i didn't mean it like tha-"

"From now on you are going to take extra classes from me, it's your punishment!"

All the calm she felt faded in seconds

I will have to study extra?!

Her heart sank a little

"But sir -"

"Tommorow after my class!, Now you can go" he said gesturing towards the door

"Sir atleast listen t-" she tried to come up with any lame excuse but he cut her off


Anger bubbled inside her, she was so mad at professor.

She stomped towards door shutting it loudly after her

Zainab was waiting for her and flinched at the noise of door. Seeing Anabia angry she got worried and asked her what happened

Anabia explained whole incident


It was around 6 when the whole family were having supper. Anabia was almost done with her supper when her phone started ringing.

She looked at the caller id and felt extreme anger towards the person who's calling

"Pick the call already " her mother said irritated at the continues ringing of the phone

"Okay" she said and picked her phone walking upstairs

She opened her room door and sat on bef after closing the door

The phone rang and rang for 3 more times

The phone again start ringing and this time she picked it up

Lacuna (Missing Part)Where stories live. Discover now