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"Yaar shit!, Shit! Shittt!!!" Anabia panicked chewing her nails in nervousness

" What happened!!" Zainab asked as they both stopped walking , they both just came out of there class and was going towards library

After thirty minutes professor Raoof's class will start and Anabia was panicking because she didn't do assignment

"Yar, I didn't work on my assignment!" Anabia said looking at Zainab, her face horrified

"WHAT!" Zainab asked shocked , " Anabia i told you to be in sir Raoof's good book man" zainab said face palming herself

"Yar what should i do now?"

"Why didn't you work on it in the first place?"

Anabia face expressions became guilty one making Zainab frown at her

"Wo actually, um" she draged tucking her hair behind her ear

"Actually what Anna?"

"İbrahim said he will do it for me " she said looking everywhere not meeting Zainab's eyes

Zainab didn't said something for two good seconds

Anabia side eyed her gulping

Zainab sighed and pressed the bridge of her nose

She looked up at Anabia " call him , if he did your work, if not here's my assignment, i will manage " she specifically pressured on 'your'

Zainab didn't like it one bit, it was Anabia's work and she shouldn't take her studies easy at this point, she don't know yet, if İbrahim loves her or not, and the thing is, if İbrahim doesn't love her then she is wasting very precious time of her life after him.

Anabia nodes and dialed his number " i will not take your work, i will face the consequences,  it's my fault, not yours"

The bell rang and after few seconds, a very sleepy ibrahim answered

"Hello?" His voice so hoarse and so damn sexy Anabia almost melted.

"İbrahim?" She asked meekly , afraid that he really didn't work on her assignment after ordering her not to do it herself

Ibrahim who was sleepy a second ago sat on bed suddenly



"What happened? Your voice doesn't sound well"

Anabia cleared her throat and asked " assignment? Did you, did you work on it?" She asked biting her lip

"Uh, yeah yeah i did it, sorry i fell asleep, when do you want it?" He asked

"My lecture start in twenty minutes"

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