Come on guys. . . .(Fundywastaken)

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Made on: 25th of December 2020
Published on:  2nd of January 2021

TW: Alcohol

Fundy was one to easily submit to peer pressure, that's the reason he was usually known as the 'furry' of the group also he was a major people pleaser, a recipe for disaster of a person. Fundy was currently at a party, while Dream was at home, he wasn't planning on drinking since he was his ride home but that quickly changed when Wilbur suddenly asked:

"Hey! Fundy! You want a drink?!"
"Oh, no thanks Wil!"
"Whyy?! Don't tell me your scared!" Wilbur was so drunk that he forgot proper English.
"I'm not scared!! I just don't wanna. .. "
"Looook!! Fundyyy is scared!!" Wilbur said with a mockingly sweet voice
"I'm not scared!! Fine! One shot!!" 
"Seeeeee, good jobbbb!!!"

Though he said one shot that quickly turned into two and that turned into five and. . . yeah. . .  he had a lot of alcohol. Fundy was on his nineth shot when he had the sudden urge to puke, he raced to the bathroom and hurled all of the shots previously taken into the toilet. Fundy's throat burned as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, the only thing he could think of, needed was 

' I need Dream'

Fundy used whatever energy left in him and discovered his phone out of his back pocket, clicking on Dream's number.


Dream was just at home, waiting for Fundy to come home when he got a call from him, he was expecting it to be one of his drunk friends who had somehow gotten his phone so it was a surprise when he heard a broken voice come from the phone.

Dream immediately shot up, his Fundy couldn't sound anymore broken.
"Yea, it me baby. What's up?"
"e-every-thing's loud and my tu-mmy hurts and--" Dream heard the sound of retching, making himself queasy. While Fundy was occupied, he roamed around the house, putting on shoes and a two jackets, in case Fundy needed one.

"b-ba-by?" Dream heard the voice coming from the phone, immediately putting his attention to the source.
"I'm here precious"
"pl-ease co-me, i-i n-eed y-ou"
"I'm coming cuddlebug, what happening?"
"tu-mmy hurts, throat hurts, tea-rs are o-n my fac-e and my e-ars hu-rt"
"From the music, bean??" Dream said as he put the keys into the ignition, trying to distract Fundy.
"mhm. . ."
"I'm coming sweetie, where are you?"
"a-at a party..."
"No, no I meant where you are in the party"
"i-im so-rry" Dream forgot that Fundy was extremely sensitive and immediately apologized as he neared the party, now outside the door. Hearing the music clearly from outside, he ran back to the car, grabbing some earphones and running inside as soon as he heard a 'bathroom'. He hung up the phone.

He sprinted up the stairs, letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding as he ran upstairs, immediately opening random doors, sometimes seeing some random people making out; not bothering to apologize, he heard faint sniffling at a door down the hall. He sped to the door, the sight he saw: Fundy on the floor with, tear-streaks on his face, hands clutching his stomach.

He was wearing a green football jacket with a black undershirt, Dream kneeled down and took him into his arms, his tears soaking his lime green jacket.

"i-i though-t you we-ren't com-ing"
"Of course I would come buttercup"
"i-i-i thought you didn't care. . ." Dream tilted Fundy' s head up when he heard the accusation
"Look at me, you are the most important, beautiful, smartest and overall sexiest person to me, don't forget it." Dream said placing a gentle kiss to a place between Fundy's collarbone and the junction of his neck.
"mhm. . . . can we go now??"
"Yea, I got some earphones so the music won't be so loud"

Dream smiled as he put on a lo-fi song, typically used for studying, into Fundy's ears, placing another kiss to his lips this time and giving a piggy-back out of the place. As soon as, they reached the car, he placed Fundy in the back-seat, laying him down. Seeing as he already fell asleep.

Dream drove the car home, above the speed limit, wanting to properly care for Fundy.

Word Count: 693

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