Witch's Cuddles (Dreamnotfound)

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Made on: 22nd of April 2021
Published: 24th of May 2021

Dream is basically winged, and George is a wizard.

Dream sat on the porch of his witch's porch, patiently waiting for him.

His witch insisted that he was a warlock, but he was too cute for him to be. The most Dream would give him was 'wizard'.

Dream began to smile as he spotted his petite witch perched on top of a wooden broom.


Dream shouted into the moonlit sky, seeing his little witch twist his head downwards to see him. He looked gorgeous in the lighting.

George's fit

Dream gasped in delight as his precious began to land

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Dream gasped in delight as his precious began to land.

"You wore the dress I gave you!"

Dream clapped his palms together, eliciting an embarrassed huff from George.

"Yea, I did. And I look good,"

George did a small twirl on his broom, surprisingly balancing. The cocky smirk on his face was prominent.

Dream only fell more in love with him.

Dream almost hurt his wings with how fast he flew over to George and swooped him up, his beloved erupting into adorable giggles.


George murmured into Dream's neck, highly embarrassed at how easily Dream picked him up.

He would never admit it but he always liked how much smaller he was than Dream, it was nice having someone so tall be your protector.

"Yes sweetheart? What's up?"

Dream asked lowly, grabbing George's broom that had fallen due to George not tending to it with his magic, and floating idly to their shack.

"Don't-don't say stuff like that,"

George muttered, feeling Dream vibrate in laughter.

"Say what? How you're my baby, sugar, cutie pie, baby boy, precious. . ."

Dream continued to list off nicknames as George got increasingly embarrassed.

"Yes! Yes! That!"

George poked at Dream's chest, pouting and crossing his arms when he only got a laugh in response to his bratty actions.


Dream mumbled, placing a delicate kiss to the top of George's head. He smiled as he felt George fully relax in his arms, all of his weight on him.

Dream heard George mumble some words into his neck, but they were all obscure.

"Could you repeat that for me sweetie?"

Dream asked, leaning George's broom onto the corner of the room and walking around mindlessly. Waiting for an answer.

"Don't worry 'bout it,"

George tried to wave off the question but Dream was persistent.

"Commmeeeee onnnnnn! Telll meeeeee!"

Dream whined, bouncing George slightly to try and convince him.

George only shook his head and hid his face further into the crook of Dream's neck.

But Dream wasn't going to have any of it.

Dream walked to their couch and simply sat down on it, nudging George's head with his own.

"Last chance, what did you say?"

Dream asked simply, he knew that George wasn't going to break that easily but it was fun to see the smaller shiver under him.

"Nooooooo. . . ."

George mumbled, making Dream laugh softly.

"Fine, be that way,"

Dream said as he began to lift his hand to George's clothed stomach.

"Dream!. . . Dream I swear to God. . .!"

George stopped mid sentence when he felt Dream's hands scribble all over his stomach, making him giggle.


Dream began to laugh at the writhing boy on his lap. He felt absolutely no pity towards him.

"This could be so simple! Just tell me what you said!"

Dream taunted, and even through the mist of all this, he could've spotted the small pout on the boy.


Dream immediately stopped and gently massaged George's sides.

George still giggled even when the tickling stopped, as if he could still feel the hands on him.

"I. . . um. . .just wanted to cuddle. . ."

George mumbled, keeping his head down. His face felt as if he was burning alive.

"Aww, that's ok pumpkin! No need to be so shy,"

Dream cooed, cupping George's face and bringing it closer to his.

These are the times that he cherished, when George would obediently mold into his arms and just trust him.

The flustered look on his face, and his eyes.

God his eyes.

Dream could spend forever just describing his eyes, the different shade of brown, the way they could shape themselves to be soft as well as intimidating when needed. (it never worked on him though, even if his witch did try his hardest)


A voice shyly called out to him.

He snapped out of his daze and looked at George, smiling softly.

"You were staring. . . "

George muttered, seeing Dream bite his lip to stifle a giggle of pure adoration of how innocent he was.

"Aww~ How could I not? My baby is sooooo pretty!"

Dream cooed, moving away some of the ruffles of the dress and picking him up.

George whined high in his chest again into the crook of Dream's neck.


George asked meekly, knowing that sometimes Dream would just say stuff out of impulse.


Dream confirmed, snatching another kiss from George.

Word Count: 814

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