Honestly(Dream +Tommy)

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Made on: 12th of February 2021
Published: 19th of February 2021

This is my attempt at a song fic, the song is honestly by gabbie hanna, I don't usually listen to her music but I was in the feels and when you wanna yell at someone well. . .

(this is the encore version)


The lyrics of the song will be in bold. I only did the ending part of the song, because... shush.

Tw: Mentions of past manipulation

Tommy huffed out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he walked into Dream's cell, at first he didn't notice anyone in the room but when he turned his head to the right, he saw a person in orange sitting in the corner, back faced to him.

He crossed his arms and scoffed, he thought he would at least get a hello but he guessed wrong.

"Cross my heart and hope to die,"

Tommy started, watching the way Dream's head perked up at the words. Tommy stood back as he saw Dream's head turning, the last thing he expected were these words

"You never cross my fucking mind,"

Tommy scowled at the words but desperately tried to keep his composure, 

"Do you know what your little lies do?"

Tommy said, cautiously walking towards Dream. He froze when he saw the masked man turn to him, turning fully to see him, he couldn't see how Dream felt, he couldn't see the amount of pain he was about to cause him,

"Do you know what I had to fight through?!"

Tommy shouted, losing his composure as he only got a simple head turn at his words. Tommy wanted to strangle Dream but he knew better.

"Nothing that you say is mildly true,"

Dream said calmly, voice raspy, he could see the pain in Tommy's eyes. Tommy was taken aback by the words but he didn't want to show weakness, he couldn't show weakness. Tommy was now quickly shuffling back to the opposite wall as he saw Dream standing up, seeing that there weren't any shackles.

"Spit deceit through shifty smiles,"

Dream started, not progressing towards Tommy but staying still, his voice having an innocent tone to it but what he was referring to wasn't innocent at all. Tommy's face shifted to disgust as he saw the state of the masked man but couldn't bring himself to feel remorse.

"Two faces you've had for a while,"

Tommy said, not wanting to make eye contact with the man, even if he was masked. Dream's shoulders slumped as he was reminded of his manipulator, the causer of all of this . ..

Ñ̷̺̼͖͙̳͚̑̅̍́͐͐͝ǐ̷̛̳̹̻́̃͊̂̚͝g̶̥͍̝̬̺͚̲͌̿̅ͅh̵͍̜̝͇͈̺̱̮̗͒̏̾̀͗̒̂̈̄t̴͚͙͐̈̄̅̔̑m̴̯͍̐̃́̈́̂̈́͊̚a̷̖̔̈́́̏͒̒̚r̵͕͚̪̀ͅe̷͇͈͊͊̈́̋͐  he shuddered at his own thoughts but brushed it off at the sudden silence.

"You act like such a fucking child,"

Dream said, it pained him, he wanted to make peace with everyone but he was weak Ñ̷̺̼͖͙̳͚̑̅̍́͐͐͝ǐ̷̛̳̹̻́̃͊̂̚͝g̶̥͍̝̬̺͚̲͌̿̅ͅh̵͍̜̝͇͈̺̱̮̗͒̏̾̀͗̒̂̈̄t̴͚͙͐̈̄̅̔̑m̴̯͍̐̃́̈́̂̈́͊̚a̷̖̔̈́́̏͒̒̚r̵͕͚̪̀ͅe̷͇͈͊͊̈́̋͐ was stronger, he could feel his curse flow through him but he couldn't stop the words 
before they came out.

Tommy's face twisted to distaste he wanted to run but he couldn't; his pride wouldn't let him run.

"Who are you now? You're so hostile to me!"

Tommy shouted, he wanted his old brother back, the one who was sweet and caring not this manipulative freak.

Dream's heart ached as he watched his usually strong little brother devolve into tears at the sight of him.

"I'm feeling homicidal!"

Dream shouted, feeling the familiar anger flow through his veins. Tommy took a fighting stance if it ended that way.

"You better run and try to hide!"

Dream shouted, fingers twitching as he tried to repress his other side, 

"I was living in denial!"

Tommy retorted, wanting nothing more but to run into his brother's arms, but he knew his brother wasn't who he was once before.

"All this time you had me riled up!"

Tommy shouted, wanting to leave but once again he couldn't, or wouldn't. Dream wanted nothing more but for Tommy to leave, Tommy was fueling the fire named 

Ñ̷̺̼͖͙̳͚̑̅̍́͐͐͝ǐ̷̛̳̹̻́̃͊̂̚͝g̶̥͍̝̬̺͚̲͌̿̅ͅh̵͍̜̝͇͈̺̱̮̗͒̏̾̀͗̒̂̈̄t̴͚͙͐̈̄̅̔̑m̴̯͍̐̃́̈́̂̈́͊̚a̷̖̔̈́́̏͒̒̚r̵͕͚̪̀ͅe̷͇͈͊͊̈́̋͐, he needed Tommy to leave.

"All the shit had finally piled up!"

Dream yelled, directed at himself, wanting to kill Ñ̷̺̼͖͙̳͚̑̅̍́͐͐͝ǐ̷̛̳̹̻́̃͊̂̚͝g̶̥͍̝̬̺͚̲͌̿̅ͅh̵͍̜̝͇͈̺̱̮̗͒̏̾̀͗̒̂̈̄t̴͚͙͐̈̄̅̔̑m̴̯͍̐̃́̈́̂̈́͊̚a̷̖̔̈́́̏͒̒̚r̵͕͚̪̀ͅe̷͇͈͊͊̈́̋͐  for making him hurt his brother but Tommy had thought it was directed towards him.

"There's no chance of reconciling us! With the falsehoods I've been filing away!"

Tommy stated, though it hurt to say out loud he knew it was fact.

"For months you've made these stories up! Sick from the untruths you've been throwing up, had me thinking I was crazy but turns out I'm your favourite thing to discuss!"

Tommy burst out, emotions finally taking charge of his words, wanting to make Dream feel the same way he did, weak.


Dream said, trying to make it clear that Ñ̷̺̼͖͙̳͚̑̅̍́͐͐͝ǐ̷̛̳̹̻́̃͊̂̚͝g̶̥͍̝̬̺͚̲͌̿̅ͅh̵͍̜̝͇͈̺̱̮̗͒̏̾̀͗̒̂̈̄t̴͚͙͐̈̄̅̔̑m̴̯͍̐̃́̈́̂̈́͊̚a̷̖̔̈́́̏͒̒̚r̵͕͚̪̀ͅe̷͇͊͊̈́̋͐  was taking over but Tommy need to stay here only grew, the last thing Dream
needed, he dropped to his knees, he fought and he lost, time to accept it.

Tommy's brows furrowed as he watched the older man crumble, he took some pride in knowing that he did this, but he couldn't help the guilt crawling up onto him, Dream was still his brother. Suddenly, Dream rose to his feet, taking off his mask and letting it fall to the ground. Tommy could now see the cuts and bruises on Dream's face, then it hit him.

Dream is just as fucked up as he is.

Dream opened his mouth and spoke:

"Baby, you're a loser and I'm ashamed to say I ever knew ya,"

Tommy began offended at the words and wanted to place his anger into words but all he could muster was:

"A user taking all I gave ya!"

Tommy turned his back to Dream, and raised his hand and signaled that he was ready to go back to his house. But before he said his farewells to Dream, he stated;

"I swear to God, I'll never miss ya!"

Tommy stepped onto the bridge but not before hearing Dream's opinion;

"Swear to God, I haven't missed ya!"

Tommy only nodded, having exerted enough energy on the arguing. As he left the prison, he slumped against the obsidian walls, and took out a piece of food and muttered;

"God I hope I never miss ya. . ."

Word Count: 1091

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