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Made on: 13th of January 2021
Published: 20th of January 2021

Wilbur was hanging out with his, friend? crush? frush? He didn't know. They were currently leaning against a tree trunk, they were chatting but the silence had overtook them and they were now just admiring the sunset. Wilbur had planned beforehand the hangout that he would confess to Dream but every time he tried to open  his mouth, or maintain eye contact, he would just nervously chuckle and turn his head back to the sunset.

There was a tense silence, both of them felt it but did nothing to improve it. Both equally scared of the outcome.

"S-so Wilbur, you know h-how we've been friends for a while" Dream said while fiddling with his fingers. Wilbur cautiously turned his head to the side to face Dream, he didn't like when conversations started off like this.

"A-and when people are wi-th each other for a while, they develop. . . feelings"

Wilbur nodded, now intrigued with what Dream had to say, maybe he had some hope??

"I ha-ppen to be one of those people, wh-at, what I'm trying to say is I like you"

Wilbur eyes widened, with a gloss of tears in them. He felt overwhelmed but in a good way, he wanted to scream about how much he loved him, wanted to kiss him until they were breathless, he wanted Dream to hold him until the end of time, he would love it.

"I-it's ok if you do-n't like me bac-k" Dream stuttered out, turns out Wilbur had been sat still as a statue. Dream began to get up and walk away, his heart was slowly breaking. But before he could walk away, he felt a weight on his lips, when he was out of his trance he pushed against what he deemed to be the softest lips he had ever kissed.

"I-n ca-se you couldn't tell. . . I also like you" Wilbur muttered.

"S-so, wh-at are we??" Wilbur then asked, though he knew what he wanted
"Whatever you want to be,"
"Then-then can we be boyfriends??"

Dream smiled, blossoming a warmth inside of Wilbur, feeling his heart swell. Dream leaned in and kissed Wilbur once again, picking him up and placing Wilbur on his lap, Wilbur now straddling him.

"Ok, boyfriends, I like that. . ." Dream breathed out as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Can I have another kiss, boyfriend?" Wilbur teased, atmosphere now lighthearted

"You-" Dream kissed his cheek, "can-" Dream kissed his other cheek "have-" Dream kissed his forehead "kisses-" Dream kissed the tip of his nose "whenever-" Dream kissed his jawline 
"you-" Dream kissed the back of his hand "want," Dream finished off with a passionate kiss to Wilbur's lips.

It didn't matter how much trouble he had with girls, having a boyfriend felt much nicer.

Word Count: 486

I have come to the conclusion that most of my buttercups (you) are lonely, sooo I brought you a friend!

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ❤

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