•Tommy needs attention. (PLATONIC tubboinnit)•

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Made on: 17th of November 2020
Published on: 11th of December 2020

(In this AU, they ran away)

Tommy wouldn't define himself as needy or clingy but those would be the exact words Tubbo would use to describe him. Tubbo is quite hard-working while Tommy is the same but just a little more laid back many times. For many months, Tubbo would have to use the strength compared to god to get out of Tommy's grasp to start cleaning up the cottage they made.

"Tommy!! I gotta get up!! The books are calling my name!!"
"If books are calling your name, then you need sleep!!"

Tubbo huffed and gave up flopping back onto the bed where he once was. Currently, it was morning and Tubbo wanted to go get some early reading but when he was trying to make his grand escape, Tommy had woken up, leading them to their current situation. 

"See if you took a nap, books wouldn't talk to you!!"

Tubbo merely huffed at this statement and went back under the covers with Tommy. Tommy immediately latched back onto Tubbo, with a firm grip to make sure that he wouldn't run away again. Though, he was trying to fight it, sleep overtook the two boys once again, it was now evening both boys were out like a light, well one boy was out like a light while the other was thinking of a way to escape his current predicament. 

Tubbo thought of the brilliant plan of replacing his presence with a pillow, while he made his grand escape and surprisingly it worked. Tubbo then tip-toed out of the room and made his way to the library, now comfortably reading a mystery book.

 Tommy was really comfy because Tubbo wasn't usually this warm or squishy, so being the problem child that he was, decided to squeeze the hell out of Tubbo but was surprised when not even a huff came from the 'boy'. When Tommy fully woke up, he went on a search to see where the boy had gone and then he realized that the boy probably went to the library. He sped there like there was no tomorrow and was not surprised when he saw Tubbo in the corner reading a book, they made eye-contact as Tubbo ran for his life while Tommy was in hot pursuit.

"Come here bitch boy!!"

It was a tough life but as long as they have each other they will be fine, right?

Word Count: 408

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