Drunk (Dreamnotnap)

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Made on: 10th of May 2021
Published: 17th of May 2021

Dream and Sapnap looked at each other and frowned.

This was the place that George messaged them. And they could hear the loud music from outside the house.

"Why would he even be here? He knows he doesn't like loud places,"

Dream said, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know but we gotta go get him, sounds like he was about to cry.."

Sapnap and Dream cringed slightly as they remembered the sound of George's broken voice. It was terrible.

"One two three. Let's go."

Sapnap was thankful that Dream did the count down thing, he never really did good in loud places as well.

"He said he was in the upstairs bathroom!"

Sapnap had to shout to Dream, showcasing the pure amount of volume the music was on. And even then Dream could only hear Sapnap faintly.

They held hands as they weaved through the crowd, making sure that they weren't separated from each other.

When they reached upstairs, Sapnap needed to take a breather. His hands were trembling and his breath quickened. Everything was just so loud.

"Bubba, bubba. Look at me, it's ok."

Dream smiled softly at Sapnap as he watched the boy slump his shoulders slightly.

"There we go, it's ok babe,"

Dream continued to throw sweet words at Sapnap, he couldn't take care of a drunk George and a panicking Sapnap at the same time.

"L-let's go,"

Sapnap said, giving Dream a reassuring glance when he saw the flash of concern in his eyes.

They walked forward and knocked on every door, sometimes getting no answer and sometimes getting some drunk teens made at them for interrupting them.

But when they got to a particular door, soft sobs were heard.

He was in there.

"Georgie?! Can you unlock the door sweetie?"

Dream asked, rattling the doorknob, trying to get George's attention on it.

The door creaked open, revealing a disheveled George.

There were more prominent eyebags, his cheeks were covered in tear tracks, he smelt faintly of alcohol and he was shivering.

"Oh sweetheart. . ."

Dream whispered, reaching out and grabbing George just before he could fall. George now sobbed openly on Dream's shoulder, making weak grabby hands for Sapnap.

Sapnap pointed awkwardly at himself and quietly shuffled towards them, closing the door.

Usually when George got emotional, he would go to Dream. Very rarely he would come to Sapnap for care.

Dream was now sitting on the little step thing that was in front of the shower, George on his lap.

Sapnap was standing awkwardly by the door, leaning onto it.


George hiccuped, making it sound like 'sipnap' instead of 'sapnap'.

Sapnap smiled.

"That's me, do you want something?"

Sapnap asked softly, offering his hand out. George took it gratefully and pulled Sapnap toward them, Sapnap kneeling on the floor in front of them.

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