Wedding (Fundywastaken)

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Made on: 11th of May 2021
Published: 22nd of May 2021

This has age regression 💍

"I. . . got you!"

Dream yelled, tickling Fundy's sides relentlessly.

"No ones gonna help you! I've got my pretty foxy now!"

Dream continued to kiss up and down Fundy's face, only slowing down when Fundy started to kick, he could kick hard.

Fundy still giggled ever so slightly, as if he could still feel Dream tickling him even after the sensation was gone.

Dream just smiled stupidly as he saw the gleaming smile on Fundy's face, feeling his heart turn to mush.

"Why are you smiling like that Daddy?"

Fundy asked, pawing at the man's face.

"Daddy's just happy right now, don't worry about it pumpkin."

Dream explained, nuzzling the tip of his nose with Fundy's.

"Hmmmm. . .ok!"

Fundy pretended to think about Dream's answer, acting as if he didn't already believe Dream the second the words tumbled out of his mouth.

"Wanna watch a show?"

Dream asked, sensing the way that Fundy was looking around for something to do.


Fundy shined, making sure to reward Dream with that smile that he adored oh so much.

Fundy suddenly pouted and made grabby hands towards Dream, doing them quite aggressively.

"You gotta ask with your big boy words!"

Dream teased, watching as Fundy huffed and folded his arms.

"Can you pick me up?"

Fundy grumbled, the pout being swiped off of his face when he was picked up and snuggled up in Dream's arms.

They were now in the living room, Fundy on the couch, watching some cartoon and Dream making them some macaroni and cheese in the kitchen.


Fundy groaned dramatically, making Dream look up in worry before he saw what was playing.

It was a commercial, Fundy made sure to express his dislike for commercials everytime they came on.

But this particular commercial was about. . . marriage.

You could see the girl proposing to the other girl, making them cry tears of joy then it zoomed in on the ring, showing off it's beauty.

Fundy seemed to like that.

"Daddy! Look!"

Fundy pointed to the screen, eagerly wiggling on the couch.

"I know bubba, it is pretty,"

Dream muttered, but it was loud enough for Fundy to hear.

Suddenly, there was another dramatic gasp from Fundy and an eager head whip to spot Dream.

"Do you wan' a ring?"

Fundy asked, now off the couch and innocently waddling to Dream.

"I already have a ring foxy,"

Dream commented, causing Fundy's head to turn to the side in confusion, as if he was a minecraft dog.

"But I wanna give you the ring!"

Fundy whined, not knowing that he was the one who gave Dream the ring in the first place.

"You did bubba, you did it when you were big,"

Dream looked at the way that Fundy visibly relaxed, a small 'oh' coming out of his mouth.

"But I wanna give it to you now!"

Fundy huffed, making Dream huff, fondly exasperated.

"Fine, you can give me it. Let's go get it,"

Dream picked up Fundy and watched, amused, as he looked so excited to relive the moment.

"Here it is, it's very important to Daddy so don't lose it,"

Dream had put Fundy on the bed and was now uncovering a small black box, showing off two golden rings.

Fundy gasped as a ring was slipped onto his finger, happily staring at it while Dream slipped on his.

"It's pretty!"

Fundy noted, looking at it from all angles, as if to prove that it was really that pretty.

"Yea, you worked really hard on finding it for me,"

Dream breathed out the last part fondly, a smile prominent in his voice.

"Did I carry you down the long aisle?"

Fundy asked, looking up at Dream with a new found curiosity, determined to know what he did.

"Well, I carried you down the aisle. You couldn't pick me up,"

Dream explained, making Fundy's face morph into pouty confusion.

"No! I can carry you,"

Fundy huffed, crossing his arms in arrogance. Dream smiled but decided to play along.

"Well, go ahead baby. Try to pick me up,"

Dream said cockily, knowing damn well that he couldn't do anything to pick Dream up.

Fundy smirked, confidence on his features.

But as soon as Fundy stood in front of Dream, all his confidence was squashed.

The height difference, the look on Dream's face, but he still tried.

And he failed, terribly.

Fundy was a sore loser.

Fundy was now digging his head into Dream's chest, clearly upset but that didn't stop the way that Dream played with his hair and teased him.

Fundy looked up at Dream with watery puppy eyes, trying to convey that the teasing was too much now.

"Aww, I'm sorry bubba,"

Dream softly apologized, taking Fundy into his arms bridal style and kissing his forehead, making him sniffle and wipe his eyes gratefully.

"T-this works to-o,"

Fundy muttered, smiling when he heard Dream bark out a laugh.

Word Count: 843

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