Soft spot (Dream + Technoblade)

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Made on: 19th of April 2021
Published: 15th of May 2021

This is platonic,

It was no secret that Techno had reserved spots for people in his heart.
But there were always left vacant after a while.

He considered Tommy and Wilbur brothers.
They accused him of breaking laws in L'manburg that didn't exist yet.

[Friendship ended]

He considered Tubbo a true friend,
But when he tried to lean onto him, he was almost killed.

[Friendship ended]

[Who's left?]

It was also quite obvious that Techno had trust issues.

Phil had experienced it in person, when he visited him for about two weeks from the artic kingdom.

Techno had treated him as if he didn't know him for five years.

He was careful around him, making sure he didn't touch anything he wasn't supposed to, and made sure that he didn't follow him when he went out.

It took much more time than what Phil would've appreciated but he eventually got Techno's trust back, sure, it wasn't as strong as it was before. But it was better than being treated as someone who couldn't be trusted.

[New Friend? = Dream]



Techno reluctantly let Dream into his life.

Phil had said that Dream was a nice guy, and a resourceful ally.

And god, if that wasn't the best decision he had ever made, he didn't know what was.

Not only did Dream help, but he also gave Techno memories that he would've never got with anyone else.

He brought Techno to new places that he would've never gone to because of his anxiety, the impulse control on the blonde was close to nothing.

He took Techno out of his shell and made him an entirely new person.

Techno noticed that he had began to anticipate the adventures, the smiles, the laughs.

He loved them.

He began to smile when Dream would approach him, laugh when Dream would tell a joke, even if it wasn't funny, it was just for the sake of laughing.

Techno didn't love Dream romantically.

The Blade had long lost the ability to love romantically, the wars and work he had to do made sure of it.

But platonic love however,

that's a different subject.

Word Count: 364

Give. Me. PLATONIC. Dreamnoblade. Prompts

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