Overwhelmed (Dreamnotfound)

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Made on: 6th of March 20211
Published: 20th of March 2O21

Suggested: Krysteetuckz

George felt agitated, he had just come out to his parents and they hadn't been so. . . accepting. Dream was out with Bad for something he didn't care to know. He was curled up in a ball in the corner of his room, he wanted to cry but he couldn't.

The tears wouldn't grant him relief, they would rub the situation in his face. He was so caught up in his inner turmoil that he didn't notice a presence in the room. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around him.

"It's okay baby, everything's ok baby, you're here with me, you're ok,"

Dream reassured, placing a small kiss to the crown of George's head.

"They - they-- hate me,"

George sputtered, too many tears were streaming down his face for him to form a coherent sentence.

"Need -- hide, ne-ed to h-ide,"

George babbled, Dream looked at George in surprise, he had never seen George so distraught.

"Need to hide? Why baby?"

Dream asked, picking George up bridal style and he sat George on his lap sideways while he sat on the bed.

Instead of answering, George just hid his face in Dream's chest. Dream pondered for a moment and then came up with an idea, he reached over to their nightstand and took out his porcelain mask, he laughed as he remembered as a kid how he drew the smiley face.

He carefully lifted George's head from his chest, George resisted slightly but trusted Dream. George was now straddling Dream as Dream hooked the mask onto George's face, hearing the familiar 'click!' of it.

"I know the world is a bad bad place, so you need to hide and that's fine! You're here with me, not with the world, you're in my arms, all snuggled and protected, you'll be ok, I promise,"

Dream carefully trailed his hands up and down George's back as he leaned himself down. George gladly snuggled his face into Dream's neck, feeling protected,

The world was a bad place but with Dream, he could let his guard down

Word Count: 353

Not so proud of this one o7
Love you babydolls ❤

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