Halloween! Sibling Au (Tubbo+Tommy+Dream)

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Made on: 29th of December 2020
Published on: 
2nd of January 2021

Dream's age = 14
Tubbo's age= 9
Tommy's age=9

It was Halloween!! Tommy's favourite holiday, it was the day where he could go to random people's house, demand sugary snacks and NOT have the cops called on him, it was amazing! This halloween, more anticipation was being built up, because Dream was making the costumes this time. Tommy prayed to the Blood god that it wasn't going to be anything cringy.

The day rolled around and Tubbo along with Tommy were gleaming little light bulbs, they wanted to know what their costumes looked like but Dream refused to disclose any hints on what they could look like.

"Come onnn~  Tell usssss !"
"Noooo, wait till tonight bubba! I promise you'll like it!" Dream said while squishing Tubbo's cheeks.
"Pinky swear?!" Tommy said while aggressively holding out his pinky
"Pinky swear. Nowww wanna decorate?"
"Hell yea!"
"Yes please!" 

They hung up various ghost, skeletons, and even cobwebs even if Tommy is terrified of spiders, causing Tubbo to chase him around the house with a fake spider.

"Come back Tommy! It's not so bad!"
"Get that eight-legged mothereffer away from me!" Tommy said, not knowing that the word 'fuck' existed.
"Come on guys, we need to carve atleast one pumpkin!!" Dream said while tailing behind Tubbo who was still chasing after Tommy.

When Tubbo was finally caught, he was picked up by Dream while Tommy was sticking his tongue out at him.

"Can't catch me now!" Tommy chanted, while circling around Dream.
"No fair!" Tubbo said while dropping the spider on the floor.
"Ok enough boos, " referring to Tommy and Tubbo " time to carve pumpkins!"
"We get to use knives?!" Tommy asked while tugging on Dream's hand to lead him outside

Firstly Dream put down Tubbo before answering.

"Yea, but go outside first."

Their eyes lit up as they walked outside to the pumpkin sitting outside. The carving process was pretty boring to Dream since he just had to make sure that Tubbo and Tommy didn't accidentally cut themselves while cutting the pumpkin whereas to Tommy and Tubbo this was the most exciting day of their life. They were trying to carve the Minecraft logo onto the pumpkin

The time passed quickly as they carved the pumpkin, that when they finally finished it was already late enough to go trick-or-treating. They were now in the living room, still admiring the pumpkin that was outside.

"Guys, it's already 6, wanna go out now or. . .?"
"Yes!" They both said in unison 
"Ok, your costumes are in your room, go get changed and I'll change." Dream said while pointing to their room, as if they didn't know where it was.

 Tubbo and Tommy eagerly nodded and ran to their shared room to change. Tubbo had a bee costume that he couldn't stop 'awwing' about, even Tommy had to admit that Dream did very good. Tommy got a pumpkin costume, the best thing was that it came with some horns so atleast he would look a little edgy.

They walked out and saw Dream cooing at them. He was wearing no costumes, seeing himself as 'too old' to be trick-or-treating

"God! I'm great at making costumes!" Dream complimented himself.
"Don't get so cocky Dream!" Tommy said, while popping out his hip to look sassy.
"We should take a photo!"
"Ok!" Dream said, while getting his phone from the couch. He instructed them to stand where the lighting was perfect and he snapped a pic one by one.

Tubbo's fit

Tommy's fit

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Tommy's fit

Dream's fit

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Dream's fit

Dream did a good job, didn't he? Once they were done taking photos, that were most likely to be cringed at in the future

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Dream did a good job, didn't he? Once they were done taking photos, that were most likely to be cringed at in the future. The boys batted an eye at the photos, more eager to get candy. They rushed to the kitchen, picking up their kid-sized-sacks, Dream picking up a pocket knife, seeing as they were going out at night, and had no parents. He slipped it into his pocket and met the two smaller boys who were at the door waiting.

"Sooo, up or downtown??" Dream asked, squatting down to their height.
"Downtown! They have better candy!" Tubbo claimed
"Downtown it is" Dream said, holding the smaller boys' hands.

It was a short walk to the downtown, since they lived where they would call it middletown. The downtown was more of the edgier part of town, they loved it. They knocked on a house that was inhabited by  a couple who was commonly known as the muffin duo, they were their favourite couple. They knocked on their door to be met with who was known as the neighbourhood sweetheart, Bad.

"Trick or treat!"
"Trick or treat!"
"Awww, look at you too~!" Bad said while holding a large bowl of candy. Bad handed out a supplemental amount of candy, he was known for being generous.

"Baby?!~ I wanna cuddle!~" The heard a voice from inside the house say.
"I'm coming Geppy! Have a fun halloween boys!~" Bad shouted, as he closed the door. The y kept knocking on the door from house to house. Their ags were already filled up and the it wasn't even 11.

"Alright, ready to go to Phil's?"
"Hell yea!" Phil was like the parental figure that they never had, or where Dream would drop off Tubbo and Tommy to go visit his soft boyfriends; George and Sapnap

Word Count: 937

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