•Fluffy Foxy!~ (Fundywastaken)•

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Made on: 15th of October 2020
Published on: 8th of December 2020

Fundy had always been insecure of himself, because he was a fox, now most people might think that it is fun being  a fox but the only good thing that can come out from being a fox is that you can get headpats all day from your hunk of a boyfriend.


"Yes?" Dream said as he looked up from his phone while he was sitting on the couch. Fundy motions to his head and Dream playfully rolled his eyes and opened his arms ready for a bolting Fundy.

"You're so warm~"  Fundy complimented as he nuzzled his head further into the crook of Dream's neck.

"I know darling, I know. . ." Dream commented while petting Fundy's head whenever he did this he would always feel honoured, because Fundy wouldn't let anyone else touch his ears and he would always use the same excuse, 'my ears are sensitive'

"Dreamy~. . ."

"Yes?" Dream said while looking down to be met with eyes that can only mean one thing. . .

'I want attention'

Dream obviously knew this but he wanted to screw around with his boy

"What sugar plum?"

Fundy didn't respond with words and pawed at Dream's shirt. Dream lightly chuckled at the reaction before putting down his phone and repositioning them so Fundy was straddling Dream.

"Sooo, What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. . .just wanted attention. . ."

Dream fondly shook his head, this happened more than you would think Fundy just wanting attention and Dream having to think of something to do, 

"How bout we watch a movie?" Dream suggested 

Fundy eyes beamed and he rapidly nodded his head  and ran to the kitchen for snacks, while Dream was stuck looking for the remote. Soon enough, both were on the couch lazily scouting Netflix for a  good enough movie.

"Fundy, you wanna watch a horror?"

You see, the thing Dream didn't know that Fundy was absolutely terrified of horror movies, but in order to not come off as a wimp he responded:

"Hell yea!"

Dream started the movie and all of Fundy's fox hairs were standing on edge. Every time there was a jumpscare he would unconsciously move closer to Dream, thankfully Dream was too caught up in the movie to notice until the inevitable happened. . .

Fundy yelped. . .

This caused Dream to rapidly turn his head to find his foxy covering his mouth and hanging it in shame.

"Are you actually scared of horror?" Dream asked in disbelief since Fundy seemed to eager to watch the horror. Fundy meekly nodded his head and Dream's expression softened and he engulfed Fundy in a tight hug. Fundy uncovered his eyes and saw that Dream had paused the movie and he was now on his lap straddling him while being hugged.

"It's ok to be scared. . ."Dream stated 

Fundy eyes widened 

"You don't think I'm a wimp?" 

Dream instantly shook his head and gave Fundy a small peck on the lips as confirmation and began to pet his ears knowing it will calm him down. Fundy turned to mush and completely surrendered himself to Dream.

"How 'bout this?" Fundy ears perked as a sign that he is listening.

"We watch one of those terrible comedies and we cuddle?" Dream suggested, Fundy meekly nodded his head and Dream reassured him that it was nothing big.
After around 20 minutes, Fundy was sleeping and Dream had carried him into his room where they both fell asleep peacefully.

Word Count: 596

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