Cotton Candy(Dreamnotfound)

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Made on: 28th of February 2021
7th of March 2021

TW: Mentions of past unhealthy relationships

George's heart was cotton candy, nauseatingly sweet but easy to melt. When you had it, it was amazing, you felt great ecstasy, you wanted more, you craved more but you got so greedy that the candy would diminish before you could really enjoy it, leaving an empty paper cone.

Or if you were callous, you would throw the cotton candy into water, watching in pleasure as it melted. You wouldn't spare second thought about it, you just knew, you wanted that cotton candy to suffer.

George was used to heartbreak, his heart was lighter than a feather, easy for anyone to pick up or grab from it floating helplessly in the wind. He was used to the taunting faces of people when they would say 'this isn't working', a simple goodbye that meant so much.

When George was with Dream, he was sure that he would be heartbroken, he was used to it. He asked himself everyday,

'why would he be Dream's boyfriend if he was sure of heartbreak?'

He couldn't answer it.

He was taught, from past relationships, that if he wanted his basic needs to be fulfilled, that he needed to earn it. He was puzzled when he woke up and saw Dream making breakfast for the both of them, not just himself

"Why are you doing that?"

He asked, he was cuddled onto Dream's side, knowing from experience that his partners would take pity on him if he showed that he was weak.

"Well, I wanted to do something special bubba, you work too hard,"

Dream responded, unaware of how it affected George.

'you work too hard,'

The words rang in George's head, what he was doing, was the bare minimum, or what he was thought was the bare minimum.

"But I haven't done much?"

George asked, nuzzling his head further into the side of Dream's torso. His eyes widened as he saw Dream stiffen at his words, he cowered.

"You did so much baby, you work so hard and I wanted to make sure you don't burn out, ok?"

George said, slightly tearing up at the praise, it was pathetic really, it was a simple gesture but it meant so much, he needed that, he didn't know how good it felt to be praised and wanted instead of being melted by his own tears.

George quickly sniffled back all the tears threatening to embarrass him, but when he felt a reassuring hand go up and down his spine, he burst into tears, he had never felt so appreciated.

"Shh, baby, it's ok, you're with me, I got you, I'm not gonna let you fall,"

Dream said, while turning off the stove and looked at George, hugging him.

They now knew the cause of George's turmoil, he felt invalidated, unwanted, unneeded.

Dream wished he could sit with George forever, telling him he loved him, kiss him and just love him but both of them sadly know that they couldn't be connected by the hip. George needed help, professional help

George needed therapy

Their trip to recovery was a rollercoaster, there were times where George would just want to ust give up, on himself and his therapy but, thankfully, Dream was with him, every step of the way.

He learned what it was like to finally be able to love without impending fear breathing down his back and doubting himself.

George loved loving.

Of course, he had the voice in the back of his head that told him that 'Dream would leave him' but what the voice didn't know is that;

While George's heart is cotton candy, Dream is the cotton candy maker, Dream makes sure he's there to catch George's heart ,to make sure that it never runs out of its beautiful taste.

George is made of cotton candy and Dream is always there to make sure he never melts

Word Count: 657

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